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Latte Pappa 拿铁爸爸


爸爸这个称呼让我们联想到的词常常是父爱如山、沉默寡言、严厉等等。但是英文里有个词叫做Latte Pappa,直译过来就是“拿铁爸爸”,乍一看不知道是什么。

其实它是对瑞典全职爸爸的昵称。也可以写作latte papa,latte dad,表达类似意思的还有SAHD——Stay-at-home dad(全职爸爸)。

"Latte papa" is a slang term that refers to a very attentive and attractive Swedish dad that can often be found in coffee shops with prams (hence the "Latte" name), wearing designer clothes, and toting one or more kids.


Men with prams have become such a familiar sight since shared parental leave was first introduced in 1974 in Sweden that there's the name – "latte pappas" – for the tribe.


《卫报》记者Richard Orange在瑞典城市马尔默的公共游乐空间观察到宝爸们的数量常常超过宝妈们,宝爸们也是职业各异。

At the free-of-charge, drop-in play group in Malmö that is my morning refuge, the pappas often outnumber the mammas. I'll find myself sitting cross-legged next to a taciturn Swedish engineer, a heavily tattooed biker, or another migrant – a computer programmer from Chennai – as our children play with the wooden blocks, rattles and drums.


This type of stylish dad gained prominence in the 2010s. Through the family leave program, both parents receive a collective 480 days and the parents can choose who gets to use them (and the policy encourage dads to use them first). This has led to more dads staying home with the kids and has allowed more women to pursue their careers.


虽然名字叫做Latte Pappa,但是宝爸们不可能只在咖啡厅里带孩子。超市、书店、游乐园都有他们的身影。

