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为人父母并不容易,有些家长选择把小孩送到托儿所或请保姆照看,而另一些则在家全职带孩子。“全职奶爸” 或许曾被视为另类,但如今这一身份开始被更多人接受。

There aren't many parents who would say that raising children is easy. For many people, having children can force parents to choose between career and family. Sometimes it comes down to finances – sending a child to nursery or hiring a nanny can be a huge financial burden that is unsustainable, while others may feel it's better to be a hands-on parent. These days, more and more men are choosing to stay at home to look after their offspring. So why are more dads opting to put their careers on hold, and what does the job entail?

With more women working outside the home than 70 years ago, if the need is there for one parent to stay at home, it could simply come down to who earns more – the biggest breadwinner. And with attitudes changing towards a man's role in the family, it seems to be easier for them to enter full-time parenthood. Sadly, though, many men still face stigmas by choosing to raise their child. A 2013 study in the US by the Pews Research Center found that 51% of people thought children were better off if a mother is home and doesn't have a job, while 8% say the same about a father. But what do parents have to do when they choose to stay with their kids?

In the early stages, a baby is totally dependent on a carer. The changing of nappies, burping after milk and making sure they feed on time are just some of the vital 24-7 activities an infant relies on. During this period, many parents take paternity and maternity leave from work. But as a child gets older, it can become less about necessity and more about choice. Rather than opt for a creche, which can prove expensive, either parent may remain at home to educate, protect and play with their child to help them develop and grow.

It's a difficult job, with a demanding boss, but it can also be incredibly rewarding for those willing to do it. And with attitudes changing towards who should stay at home, maybe more and more fathers will choose to become stay-at-home dads.  
