1. It is normally the sort of show I would hate. 原本我是不会看这种剧的。 2. But I've found myself tuning in to it week after week. 但一周周的看下来,我发现自己已经“中毒”。 3. That's a hell of a story. 剧情太赞了。 4. The leads have done full justice to this irresistible show. 情节本身让人欲罢不能,主角们演得也特别好。 5. It will surely keep you addicted to it. 你要是看的话,也一定会“中毒”上瘾。 6. I cannot stop watching the show! 我一直想看,根本停不下来! 7. Why is it so funny? I'm laughing so hard I'm crying! 这剧怎么这么搞笑?我眼泪都笑出来了! 8. The prince is so handsome and adorable! 太子真是又帅又可爱! |