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❶ 对于完整的西瓜,食用前用冷水清洗,去除泥土和残留,再用干净的布或纸巾擦拭干净。

For whole watermelons, run cold water over watermelon. Wipe the outside to remove any dirt or residue and pat with a clean, dry towel or paper towels.

❷ 对于市面上预切的或包装好的西瓜,选择冷藏或置于冰块中的产品。

When buying pre-cut or packaged watermelon, choose only those refrigerated or surrounded by ice.

❸ 切瓜时,用专用切水果的干净的刀和砧板,尤其不能用切过生肉的刀直接切西瓜。

Cut watermelons with clean knives.

❹ 常温储存勿超3小时。高温环境下,无论是否贴保鲜膜,6小时左右就会滋生大量细菌,3小时以内细菌滋生量少,最好现切现吃。

Don't let watermelon pieces sit out at room temperature for longer than three hours.

❺ 包上保鲜膜:保鲜膜能够把西瓜和冰箱中的其他食物隔离开,避免二次污染,并及时放冰箱。

For cut watermelons, wrap tightly in plastic, or in an airtight container and refrigerate.

❻ 别隔天:西瓜在冰箱里的冷藏时间,最好不要超过12小时,最长不要超过24小时。

To be eaten within 24 hours (the sooner you eat it, the better!)

❼ 不让冰箱成为细菌的“天堂”,将冷藏室进行分区,生熟食物分开存放。最好能一个月清洗一次冰箱。

Keep fresh produce separate from raw meat, poultry, and seafood products.
