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Lydia Otter, Farm Owner

We're a small working farm, 100 acres with about 30 beef cattle on. But we're also a farm where young people with autism learn working skills. We've got little goats and chickens, and we have an organic egg production.

莉迪亚·奥特       农场场主


Lydia Otter, Farm Owner

My word, what a busy day! Some of these young people, I've known for 30 years, you see. It's just a wonderful privilege to see them grow up.

莉迪亚·奥特       农场场主



Animals are much simpler to understand than humans. There's no lying or secret agendas with animals. What you see is what you get with an animal. If it wants to eat, it'll show you it needs to eat. If it needs to go out to pee, it normally will show you.




I have Asperger's syndrome. It is basically just the brain being wired a little bit differently. With it comes extra sensitivity to certain things. So in my case, my taste buds are, well, very tyrannical.



19-year-old Murray has been at Pennyhooks for a few weeks.


Emma Masefield, Autism Learning Centre Manager

Murray is a particularly interesting individual. He's somebody who is described as pre-verbal, meaning he doesn't talk. What we do is to really observe our students and to pick up on any body language, and if you watch Murray really carefully, he's telling you an awful lot with his body language.

艾玛·梅斯菲尔德       自闭症学习中心经理


Ken Bruce, Murray's Dad

At the age of about nine, we discovered that he was able to read and he knew, you know, a massive amount of words, he had good spelling and great expression when he was able to… It was a real revelatory moment when we discovered that.

肯·布鲁斯       穆雷的父亲


When he feels comfortable, Murray can use a letter board or his tablet to communicate.



I would like to let people know that I have a good brain. Just because I can't speak, it does not mean that I would not make a meaningful contribution to society.



Kerith Bruce, Murray's Mum

I feel when he comes back from Pennyhooks, just his whole body language and everything is just so completely different. It's almost like he's de-stressed.

凯莉丝·布鲁斯       穆雷的母亲



I yearn to have a body that works in sync with my brain.We are people who are really wanting to be heard. We will try positively to say how we feel if you are willing to listen and give us the space.



If I didn't come here, I'd likely still be at home on the computer and that's it. I'd probably think I was useless, essentially. But the fact that I come here, and occasionally help out with the animals. Yes, I do have a sense of belonging and accomplishment here.


