stashing 遮遮掩掩的恋爱
如果你的男友或女友一直拖着不带你去见他/她的家人和朋友,很可能并不想和你天长地久,你只是他/她的地下恋人。这种遮遮掩掩的恋爱就叫stashing。 Stashing is when you're in a relationship with someone and you refuse to introduce them to your friends and family; mostly because you view the person as temporary, replaceable. 如果你和某人谈恋爱但却拒绝将其介绍给你的朋友和家人,这就叫stashing。大多是因为你认为目前交往的恋人是临时的,随时可以换掉。 例句: Friend: "Hey have you met John's parents yet? You've been together for months." 朋友:嘿,你见过约翰的父母了吗?你们已经在一起好几个月了。 Stashee (or person being stashed): "No, I think he's stashing me. We don't have any pictures together either." 地下恋人:没见过,我认为我是他的地下恋人。我们也没拍过任何合照。 |