ghostlighting 鬼闪
闪人的方式有很多种,最奇葩的可能是这种:“鬼闪”(ghostlighting),不打招呼就消失,如果被找到就装作不认识,伤人不说还弄得别人一头雾水。 Ghostlighting refers to ceasing all communication with someone and then, when they attempt to contact you, pretending like you have no idea who they are or what they are talking about. It is a hybrid of ghosting and gaslighting. “鬼闪”指的是终止和某人的一切联系,如果对方试图联系自己,就假装不认识对方或不知道对方在说什么。这个词是ghosting(玩消失)和gaslighting(试图去改变他人对现实的认知,以实现改变他人的一种行为)的合成词。 Example: John: "Guys, did you hear what Christina did?" 约翰:你们听说克里斯提娜做的事了吗? Catherine: "No, what?" 凯瑟琳:没听说,什么事? John: "She was too chicken to quit her job, so she just didn't show up and then when her boss, Will, called her, she acted like she didn't know who he was!" 约翰:她没胆子辞职,所以干脆就不来了,后来她老板威尔给她打电话时,她装作根本不知道他是谁! Catherine: "Oh, wow, she's totally ghostlighting that dude, eh?" 凯瑟琳:哇哦,她还真是给老板来了个“鬼闪”啊。 |