situationship 状态恋情
恋爱谈了几个月,像是在一起了但又不算亲密恋人,永远比友情更进一步比恋情又少一点,你也经历过恋爱中暧昧的模糊地带吗? Situationship refers to a relationship between two people that is more than a friendship, but less than a romance. “状态恋情”指的是男女之间的关系比友谊更进一步,比浪漫恋情又有所欠缺的情感状态。 It feels like a relationship, and to everyone else it may seem like one, but it’s not. “状态恋情”感觉像是一段恋情,其他人也认为是恋情,但其实又不是。 Situationship is a relationship that has no label on it.. like a friendship but more than a friendship but not quite a relationship. “状态恋情”没有明确的恋情关系,像是友谊但又胜过友谊,却也不完全是真正的恋爱。 例子: Me: Me and this guy have been talking for six months now. |我:我和他已经谈了六个月了。 Friend: Are you guys together? 朋友:你俩在一起了? Me: It's like were together but were not.. it's more of a situationship that's happening. 我:算是在一起了但也不是……就和“状态恋情”差不多。 |