High up in the Swiss Alps, 31 daredevils have been competing at the first ever highline world championships. 在瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉的高处,31名勇士参加了首届世界高空走扁带锦标赛。 The first event was a race along a 60m slackline rope which was won by France's Benoit Brume in 37.54 seconds. 比赛的第一个项目是沿着一条60米长的扁带行走,比谁最快,法国选手贝诺阿·布鲁姆以37.54秒的成绩获胜。 Then the athletes showed off their best tricks in the freestyle event. 接着,运动员们在自由表演项目中展示了他们最厉害的技巧。 The women's event was won by Frenchwoman Louise Lenoble who executed a 'front almighty flip' holding on with only her feet. 女子自由表演项目冠军的得主是法国选手露易丝·雷诺布勒,她只用双脚勾绳,完成了 “全能前空翻” 动作。 American Davis Hermes won the men's freestyle with 'the holy grail'. 美国选手戴维斯·赫尔米斯凭借 “绕线前空翻两周” 获得男子自由表演项目冠军。 Slacklining is a relatively young sport, beginning in the 1980s. 走扁带运动是一项相对新的运动,始于20世纪80年代。 Unlike a traditional tightrope, the looser line allows for more stunts. 与传统走钢丝不同,走扁带所用的绳索更松,运动员得以完成更多特技动作。 It's estimated 1 in 20 people in Switzerland now own a slackline since simple sets became available in European sports shops in 2006. 在瑞士,约每20个人当中就有一人拥有一条扁带,自2006年起,简易装备在欧洲各体育用品店有售。 |