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Kona Coast dive site

This Kona Coast dive site is possibly the most beautiful, diverse, easily accessible, interesting dive location we have on the Island of Hawaii. It is at Honaunau Bay, just north of the National Historic Park.



This whole area is an ancient Hawaiian fishing/religious ceremonial area, so treat it as such. Show the proper respect for the location, please. Some of the locals are upset with the proliferation of divers and snorkelers frequenting this site today, so please, treat them with respect and don't leave any trash for them to use as evidence of your visit. Respectfully smile at everyone you see, you'll be surprised at how that will confuse those you meet.     它的整个区域是夏威夷人古时的渔业或宗教礼仪场所,因此要恰当地以礼相待。请尊重这一景点的环境。由于目前常去此地潜水的人数逐渐增多,一些当地人对此表示担忧,所以请您尊重他们,不要用丢弃的垃圾以示你的来访。对你所遇的人给予恭敬的微笑,你会吃惊地发现这将使他们怎样地迷惑不解。

 Because of the abundance of colorful reef marine life, this is an excellent place to snorkel ... as well as scuba. The clarity of the water here is conducive to exciting sightings of various marine-life species.There are two fine routes for divers to take from the entry point. One is straight out toward open ocean, the second along the rocky shore in a northerly direction. If you are going straight out, watch and listen closely for the many fishing boats that use this bay as a launch site (a cautionary dive flag float is recommended). The straight out route will take you across many coral heads and sandy channels holding a multitude of invertebrates and reef fish. In the center of the bay, you'll reach a living coral reef that is punctuated with countless pukas (holes) that hold numerous eels, crabs and shells of many descriptions. Watch for the Giant Green Sea Turtles in this bay as they often frequent this fantastic dive spot. Remember, the Green Sea Turtle is a protected, endangered species. So don't touch, grab on to, or try to ride these valuable creatures -- the penalties for such action, if reported, is mega bucks and it ain't worth it. Just enjoy their presence.        这里生长着丰富多彩的礁湖海洋生物,是很棒的潜水活动场所,同样也适合斯库巴潜水。这里净碧的水质可以让你清晰地观赏到各种鲜活、生动的海洋生物。在入口处有两条潜游线路。其中的一条线路直接游向公开海域,第二条线路沿着多礁的海岸向北游。如果你走第一条线路,仔细留心许多以此湾作为起航点的渔船(建议使用潜水警示浮标以防意外)。这条线路将带你穿过许多寄生着无脊椎动物和鱼类的珊瑚头及多沙水道。在海湾中央,你将看到一个活珊瑚礁,里边有无数个空隙,许多鳗鱼、蟹和各式贝壳生长在这些空隙里。注意:大绿海龟经常出现在这个奇妙的潜水点。但要记住:大绿海龟是一种濒临灭绝的受保护动物,所以,不要碰撞、抓斗或试图骑赶这种珍贵的动物——以上行为如被发现,将被处于罚款,这是很不值得的,所以看看它们的样子就罢了。

 Here's a hint on diving anywhere: When you see a coral reef that is covered with living coral, thoroughly inspect it, slowly, for it will be filled with delightful sea-life, in, around, under and above it -- but don't touch it. Dead coral heads and most rock rubble areas generally hold fewer species (but fascinating ones, nonetheless).潜水时请注意:当你看到一个被活珊瑚覆盖的珊瑚礁时,仔细观察一下,请轻柔些,不要碰它,因为它到处——内部、四周、下边、上边——都有可爱的海洋生物。死的珊瑚头和大多数碎石区很少生长生物(但那些奇异的生物除外)。

 If you opt for the northerly shore route from the entry area you'll find many caves and indentations as you explore the underwater terrain.The lava wall is literally filled with hiding places for Kona's famous ula(Spiney Lobster)and(although they are being overharvested) you just may glimpse one or two peeking out at YOU!

 Only a few yards away from the shoreline you'll notice a gradual slope of branch coral rubble. It slopes down more rapidly as you descend to over 80′ before leveling off in a sandy flat at over 100′. As you float over this ledge watch for the infamous Crown of Thorns Sea Star. This voracious critter is covered with sharp spines that can cause considerable pain when touched (so, don't touch 'em!). At the bottom of the bay, in the sandy area, occasionally, huge Manta Rays, and often, leopard rays are seen resting on the sandy flats. We've seen schools of opelu here that numbered in the thousands. Sometimes these schools are so dense they actually blot out the sun, appearing as black undulating masses of unrecognizable blobs of darkness. As they draw nearer,or if you are a brave soul and go toward them,you'll see that the ‘ blob' is actually thousands and thousands of tiny fish.Quite an experience.         距海岸线几码远,你会看到一个渐缓的礁石斜坡。当你潜到80分以上,在与沙平面水平即到100分之前,斜坡更加陡直。路经此处时,要小心臭名昭著的长刺海星。这种贪婪的怪物满身都是尖刺,如被刺到会产生巨烈的疼痛(所以千万不要碰它们!)。在海湾底部有沙的部分,有时你还会碰到在沙地上休息的大蝠鲼鳐和豹斑鳐,在这我们见过成群的圣海伦海?,数量可达上千只。有时它们聚在一起竟然遮住了阳光,看起来像来历不明的黑斑点组成的黑色波状物。当它们接近你,或如果你非常勇敢而靠近它们,你会发现那些“斑点”实际上是成千上万条小鱼。真是有惊无险!

 In this area always keep your eye out, to the sides, ahead, and to your rear. Too many times, as we dive, we keep looking down -- and too often, several interesting sights are missed. Make it a habit to look around --? you'll be surprised at what you've been missing.

