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Are you in the mood for English?/你已经用英语融入你的心情了吗? (中英对照 )

你感到on top of the world及无限欢乐或是沮丧及down in the dumps呢?这里有一些热门的表达方式告诉别人你的感受如何。

Bent out of shape.如果你对于某一件事情bent out of shape那会不会对别人造成伤害呢?当然不是指身理上的!这个意思只有用在一个人非常不愉快或气愤时说:「She got bent out of shape over the new dress code at work.」

On cloud nine.当某人是on cloud nine-是指说他或她感到极度愉悦。例如:When he finally proposed to her, she was on cloud nine.

Totally spaced out.你的朋友们试图引起你注意已经有10分钟之久了,但是你仍然没有注意到。你会怎样道歉呢?那就告诉他们你刚刚totally spaced out做白日梦。

Shaken up.当人们收到一个震惊无预期的消息或经历,他们也许会觉得shaken up。例如:After the accident she was completely shaken up.


On pins and needles.当人们说她们是on pins and needles,他们不是在谈论有关于针灸。真正意思是他们正感到紧张焦虑不安。例如:The movie was so suspenseful, I was on pins and needles the whole time!


Head over heels.每一个人都在问你为什么你这几天那么快乐。你可以告诉他们你说是:「head over heels in love!」这是人人都会用到的来表达说你正完完全全地和某人谈恋爱呢。

Fed up.不论在何时你真的感到为某事失意并且再不久就要面对它,你可以告诉人们你completely fed up!例如:如果你认为餐厅的服务很差,你可以这样说:「I am completely fed up with your service!」

Chill out.如果你的朋友们认为你对于小的问题反应过度,他们会告诉你chill out。这句话是要告诉某人放松或冷静一下:「Stop worrying about it and just chill out.」

Under the weather.如果你生病了或只是觉得不舒服,只要说你under the weather。」例如:John's feeling a bit under the weather tonight, so he won't be joining us for dinner.

Are you feeling on top of the world and full of joy or depressed and down in the dumps? Here is a list of popular expressions you can use to tell people how you feel.

Bent out of shape. If you got bent out of shape over something, would it hurt? Well, not physically! This expression only means that a person is feeling very annoyed or angry: "She got bent out of shape over the new dress code at work."

On cloud nine. When someone is on cloud nine, it means that he or she is feeling extremely happy. For example, "When he finally proposed to her, she was on cloud nine."

Totally spaced out. Your friends have been trying to get your attention for over ten minutes, and you didn't even notice. What's your excuse? Tell them you were totally spaced out and daydreaming.

Shaken up. After people receive shocking news or experience something unexpected, they may feel shaken up. For example, "After the accident she was completely shaken up."

On pins and needles. When people say they're on pins and needles, they aren't talking about acupuncture. It really means that they are feeling anxious or nervous. For example, "The movie was so suspenseful, I was on pins and needles the whole time!"

Beat/Bushed. The next time someone asks you how you're feeling after a long and tiring day, you can tell them that you're beat or bushed. This is another way to say that you're exhausted. A perfect excuse not to wash the dishes!

Head over heels. Everyone keeps asking you why you're so happy these days. You can tell them that you're head over heels in love! This is a popular expression to describe that feeling of being completely in love with someone. You can also say you are madly in love.

Fed up. Whenever you feel really frustrated about something and no longer want to deal with it, you can tell people that you are completely fed up! If you receive terrible service at a restaurant, for example, you might say, "I am completely fed up with your service!"

Chill out. If your friends think you're overreacting to a small problem, they might tell you to chill out. This is a popular way to tell someone to relax or calm down: "Stop worrying about it and just chill out."

Under the weather. If you're sick or just not feeling so well, just say you're under the weather. For example, "John's feeling a bit under the weather tonight, so he won't be joining us for dinner."
