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25 Twitter Tips To Go From 25 To 25,000 Followers

Who says Twitter is vacuous? Who says it’s widely used by vainglorious people? If you ask me, The Big T is non of those two. Twitter, in truth, is extremely useful if you can absorb the temporary effect of a backlash. And, nope, I’m not being paid as a Twitter evangelist. I’m just here to help you maximize your Twitter experience.

If you ruminate about it, now that you have explored Twitter while marketing your services, products, or simply your blog; I have a strong feeling, 9 out of 10, you will come to realize the blue bird of social media is actually an indispensable tool.

Twitter’s casual nature, the immediate action you can do, and the facility of usage makes it a favorite of broadcasters, bloggers, news networks and social media strategists; not to forget, marketers who have products to promote many times in a day.

One of the catchy tips and most useful I surmise is tip #16: Interact with influencers. Influencers are Twitter users who boost of a strong clout, a gigantic fan base, and lots of retweets. Mingling and interacting with them will not only enhance your Twitter skills effectively, you might also be a candidate for a direct mention on a lucky day; and, this bright event will attract more influential Tweeps(Twitter people). I know you got my point. That’s a no-brainer.

If you have yet to get onboard Twitter, or you need to up your ante regarding how to use it, the detailed explications below will absolutely assist you on your way to become a Twitter expert.

Want to increase your followers on Twitter? Reaching the 25,000 mark isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible either.

Applicable for businesses and individuals alike, here are 25 things you should do to get from 25 followers (every new user manages to collect these many) to 25,000 (quite a feat!):

1. Fill out your profile: This is the first and one of the most important steps towards your 25k goal. Fill out your profile – add your photo and bio. People like to follow real, credible people and an egg as your profile pic is not going to win you brownie points with anyone.

2. Add a great background: The more creative it is, the better your profile will look and more people will be motivated to follow you.

3. Keep a check on your tweet frequency: Learn to strike a balance between too little and too many. A good guideline to check whether you are using your tweets judiciously is given by this equation. Don’t send out your tweet in bursts – nobody likes to see their timeline filled with tweets by one person. Anywhere between once a day to a couple of times an hour is fine.

4. Tweet at the best time to tweet: Imagine if you were to keep tweeting when most of your followers are offline – no retweets, no replies. It’s best to tweet when people will be online to read. Find out your best time to tweet.

5. Always reply to mentions: Twitter is a “social” network. You should be interacting, mentioning, replying and creating conversations. Failing to reply to ‘mentions’ is a sure shot way to get unfollowed.

6. Converse more than you tweet: Tweets originating from your Twitter account are cool, but conversations are cooler. Interact with others and build relationships. People will recommend you, plus conversations look cool when other users visit your profile.

7. Tweet live whenever possible: Live tweets are killers! Whenever you are attending a meaningful offline or online event or watching one, send out live tweets from the event and watch your follower count rise.

8. Clean your twitter account occasionally: You may not like unfollowing, but doing that is actually a good policy sometimes. Unfollow inactive users who haven’t tweeted in forever, those who never interact and those who tweet too much and hog your timeline.

9. Good, original tweets work: Stop retweeting, especially if that is all you do. If you only retweet, you are going to annoy lots of people. Retweet occasionally, tweet oftener.

10. Humor works: Add a dash of humor to your tweets, not always, but occasionally. They get several retweets – more exposure for you.

11. Inspirational tweets work: Though cliche and apparently disliked, there’s no denying that inspirational tweets and quotes are some of the most retweeted tweets.

12. Use hashtags in your tweets: Hashtags are a cool way to get more reach for your tweets. Find popular hashtags and use relevant ones in your tweets.

13. Promote your twitter account: Add your twitter account in your email signature, share it on Facebook and forum, on your business card – essentially spread the word.

14. Take part in twitter chats: Twitter chats are generally used for online events where the participants can interact with each other. Take active part in these.

15. Schedule your tweets: Reach your followers from other time zones by scheduling tweets using apps such as Hootsuite and Buffer.

16. Interact with influencers: Influencers are Twitter users with a lot of clout – a huge fan following, lot of retweets, you get the drift. Interacting with them will not only improve your Twitter skills, you may one day get lucky enough to get a direct mention from them and several followers consequently.

17. Use trending hashtags to grow: If you can tweet relevant stuff using trending hashtags, more power to you! The better your tweets in conjunction with the hashtag, the more followers you’ll get.

18. Build an authority: All sorts of people use Twitter. There are teenagers, adults, seniors, social media enthusiasts, journalists, lawyers, trekkers, cyclists, just about everybody. Think of what you are good at – you know a lot about social media? Law? NASCAR? If your tweets convey what you are passionate about, you will build an authority in that field.

19. Don’t be negative: Negative tweets are a huge turn off. Constant complaining and cribbing is sure to drive your followers away and will repel prospective followers too.

20. Share breaking news: One of the many benefits of Twitter is the almost real time access to breaking news. Become a breaker of news and you’ll get followers aplenty. Trick: Follow top blogs.

21. Images and memes: Images work on Facebook, they work on Twitter too. Tweets with images tend to get more engagement – retweets and replies.

22. Give something away for free: Everybody likes free stuff. Whether it is a pdf or a discount coupon – give something away in return for follows and you are sure to get them.

23. Don’t do things that will get you unfollows: There are a few reasons why people consistently unfollow other twitter users. Read them all here and try not to incite unfollows.

24. Use JustUnfollow: JustUnfollow let’s you copy relevant users from other accounts (for eg: if you are starting a pizza outlet, you can copy followers from a successful pizza company’s account and these Twitter users may be willing enough to follow you back – since they clearly love pizza – plus they may drop in to your outlet. Total win-win!). It also lets you unfollow those who unfollow you, follow your new followers and do a host of other things that can help you maintain your Twitter account better.

25. Don’t take it too seriously: After all’s said and done, Twitter is just another social network and followers just a number. Don’t take it too seriously, be yourself, tweet for fun and the followers will follow.
