pet nup 婚前宠物协议
2023-12-06When considering a prenuptial agreement, couples usually include their thoughts on pre-marital finances, 401K plans, bank accounts and real estate. Bu...
hangover beauty 微醺妆
2023-12-06Hangover beauty is the latest make up trend sweeping the country, achieved by applying blush under the eyes and wet-look hair.微醺妆是红遍日本的最新化妆潮流,眼下涂上腮红,再...
parasite building 寄生建筑
2023-12-06A parasite building is a small building or structure that has been added to an existing, larger building, particularly when the styles of the two stru...
praise junkies 求赞党
2023-12-06Praise junkies refer to those who constantly seeks/craves praise and attention and highlights everything good they have achieved in order to get prais...
reverse praying 反手祈祷
2023-12-06The "reverse praying" trend sees users uploading photos of themselves to social media with their hands clasped in a "prayer" posit...
Velcroid 魔术贴式官员
2023-12-06Velcroid is a person who remains in close proximity to an important leader, particularly during photo sessions, to achieve increased media exposure. I...
shaken baby syndrome 摇晃婴儿综合征
2023-12-06Shaken baby syndrome is the most common cause of death or serious neurological injury resulting from child abuse.摇晃婴儿综合征”是因虐童行为导致儿童或造成其神经严重受损最常见...
lion food 中层管理人员
2023-12-06Lion food refers to anyone in middle management or a similar administrative position.Lion food(狮子食)指中层管理岗或者类似级别行政职位的人。为什么要用lion food来指代中层管理人员呢?据说这背后有个...
workplace U-turn 职场回头草
2023-12-06Workplace U-turn refers to the action of bouncing back to a former employer after quitting.职场回头草指辞职后又回到原单位的行为。While it may seem inconceivable, it is p...
owner-driver 车主司机
2023-12-06With ride-sharing apps Uber and Lyft becoming more and more popular, it’s probably not a surprise to see the term owner-driver - which refers to...