snailpaper 蜗牛报纸
2023-12-06It's 2013. The screens are winning adherents left and right. Print newspapers are turning into "snailpapers" that arrive at our doorstep...
deep bro talk 哥们儿深聊
2023-12-06Deep bro talk is a serious talk between two close male friends, in which they talk about all the things going on in their life at the moment. Deep bro...
selfie 自拍
2023-12-06A selfie is a photographic self-portrait, particularly one taken with the intent of posting it to a social network.Selfie就是自拍照”,尤指那些自拍后上传到社交网站的照...
Bitcoin 比特币
2023-12-06The Bitcoin is a form of electronic money which has been created specifically for use on the Internet. The Bitcoin doesn't operate like convention...
catfishing 网络自夸
2023-12-06Catfishing is the practice of lying about yourself in an online environment, usually with the elaborate fabrication of an online identity, in order to...
humblebrag 谦虚自夸
2023-12-06Humblebrag, the combination of humble and brag, is the lowest, most despicable and loathsome form of self promotion, often delivered in one or two fra...
in-joke 圈内人的幽默
2023-12-06An in-joke, also known as an inside joke or in joke, is a joke whose humor is clear only to people who are in a particular social group, occupation, o...
brass ceiling 黄铜天花板
2023-12-06Brass ceiling is an imaginary barrier which stops women from progressing in their careers within the military and law enforcement.Brass ceiling(黄铜天花板)...
champagne problems 香槟问题
2023-12-06Champagne problems are problems of the rich and famous that we would all be so lucky to have, having to decide between two completely awesome things t...
latte art 拿铁艺术
2023-12-06Latte art, also sometimes described as cappuccino art, is a pattern or miniature sculpture produced within the froth that tops off milky coffee drinks...