2023-12-06Museums are a vital part of a world-famous university, which are often run by a university, typically founded to aid teaching and research within the ...
关于斋戒(节食) Fasting
2023-12-06斋戒(节食)是指人们一段时间完全不吃东西或者不吃某些东西。通常人们因为宗教原因斋戒。People can live without food for a few weeks, but they cannot live without water for more than a few days.To...
英语口语话题 关于美国国旗 Flag
2023-12-06What do the state flags look like? Where can I find the flag for a country? How can I find out what a flag's colors mean? What is the history of t...
2023-12-06南瓜其实是一种爱称In English, the word pumpkin is often used as a term of endearment. Other English words that people commonly use to express their adoration f...
史密斯 全球英语国家最常用姓氏
2023-12-06'Smith' is still the most commonly used surname in every English-speaking country around the globe, a study has found.一项研究发现,史密斯”仍然是全球所有...
2023-12-06While it's possible-even probable-that pumpkins were served at the 1621 harvest festival that's now considered the predecessor to Thanksgiving...
2023-12-06The UK flag is NOT entirely symmetrical!英国国旗并不是完全对称的!You can rotate the flag and it still will be the right way up but you can't invert it.Look at...
2023-12-06As far as holidays go, Easter is second only to Halloween in American candy sales - that's a lot of chocolate bunnies.就节假日而言,复活节的糖果销量在美国仅次于万圣节:其中有...
2023-12-06Every year, families across the US and the UK hang up quirky little pickle-shaped ornaments when it comes time to trim their Christmas trees.每年圣诞节,美国和...
2023-12-06For years, couples have dedicated a single "ring" finger to romance when any other digit would do. A case of left side, strong side? Not acc...