2023-12-06精彩对白LeBoeuf: My name is LeBoeuf. I've just come from Yell County.Mattie Ross: We have no rodeo clowns in Yell County.LeBoeuf: A saucy line will no...
2023-12-06精彩对白Mattie Ross: Dearest Mother. I am about to embark on a great adventure. I have learned that Tom Chaney has fled into the wild and I shall assist t...
2023-12-06精彩对白LeBoeuf: I am not accustomed to so large a fire. In Texas, we'll make do with a fire of little more than twigs or buffalo chips, heat the nigh...
2023-12-06精彩对白Mattie Ross: Where is Mr. LeBoeuf?Rooster Cogburn: Down by the creek performing his necessaries.Mattie Ross: Well, Marshal Cogburn, I welcome the ...
2023-12-06影片对白Eduardo: Hey, what's going on?Mark: Perfect timing. Eduardo's here and he's going to have the key ingredient.Eduardo: Hey, Mark.Mark: ...
2023-12-06影片对白Mark: I think I've come up with something.Eduardo: Hang on. I gotta tell you something that you're not gonna believe.Mark: What?Eduardo: I...
2023-12-06Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be suc...
2023-12-06影片对白Eduardo: It's time to monetize the thing.Mark: What were their names?Eduardo: Hear what I just said?Mark: When?Eduardo: I said it's time t...
2023-12-06影片对白Mark: Your date looks so familiar to me.Sean: She looks familiar to a lot of people.Mark: What do you mean?Sean: A Stanford MBA named Roy Raymond ...
2023-12-06影片对白Mark: How's the internship? How's Christy?Eduardo: How's the internship?Mark: Yeah.Eduardo: Mark, Jesus, I quit the internship. We tal...