
  • Adlai lowers the phone to its cradle. An ANXIOUS STAFFER sticks his head in the door, a concerned, questioning look on his face. Adlai adjusts his tie...

  • Zorin, headphones on, listens to his own translation, but doesn't respond, acts bored. It gets Adlai's goat, and he begins to lose his cool. A...

  • He passes his hand over the enormous plot below. MCNAMARA (CONT'D) This isn't a blockade. McNamara, trembling with anger, awe, whirls to Ander...

  • That may be why Khruschev's introducing this guy. We've been burned by his usual players in the formal channels, so he brings in an honest bro...

  • INT. COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE - STATE DEPARTMENT - NIGHT From a cluster of folding metal chairs, Kenny, Bobby, Rusk and Sorensen watch a TELETYPE hammer ...

  • KENNY Jesus Christ... Bobby gives him a look: told you things got worse. THE PRESIDENT Dean? RUSK It doesn't necessarily mean there's been a c...

  • They all look to the President. Kenny stares, in a private hell, blacker and more complete than anyone should ever know. In that shocked silence each ...

  • EXT. U-2 - CONTINUOUS As the U-2 turns, far, far below, emerging from the clouds, barely visible, rises a CONTRAIL. It arcs lazily toward us. A beat,...

  • EXT. WHITE HOUSE - DAY Kenny puts on his jacket as he goes down the steps into the bright autumn day, walking away from the White House. It drops behi...

  • KENNY Jesus, you rich people. Kenny starts up the engine. Bobby smiles a twisted smile. As the car pulls away, the two men sit in silence, neither wi...

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