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Cinderella 2 《灰姑娘》2 (一)


Jaq: Come on, Gus-Gus. Faster!

Gus: What's the hurry, Jaq-Jaq? What's the hurry?

Jaq: Fairy Godmother's here. She's gonna read us the Cinderella story. Shh. Pom, Pom. Come on, Gus!

Fairy Godmother: "Cinderella and the prince lived happily ever after. The end."

Jaq: We missed it?

Mary: Mm-hmm.

Gus: Maybe you could read another one.

Fairy Godmother: Oh, I'm sorry, Gus... but that's the only Cinderella book there is.

Jaq: Yeah, Gus-Gus. You heard her. "The end." That's all.

Gus: Uh, maybe we could make another book.

Mary: We can tell the stories, and make the drawings!

Mice: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Fairy Godmother: Oh, what an excellent idea.

Jaq: No, no, wait a minute. Who'd wanna read a book made by mice?

Fairy Godmother: Cinderella would read it. And if you made it, I know that she'd love it.

Jaq: But we don't know how to make a book.

Fairy Godmother: Oh, don't worry, dear. I think I can help.

Fairy Godmother: Oh, very nice. Well done, little mice. But something is missing, it's true. Oh, look there. The pages are bare. We need a story from you.

Jaq: Who, us? No, no, we don't know any good stories.

Gus: Wait, wait! How's about "First Day In castle"?

Jaq: Oh, yeah. That is a good one.

Fairy Godmother: I'd love to hear all about it.


1.Come on

Come on 一词在口语中的使用频率太高了,使用的场景以及语调的不同,它所表达的意思也不一样。
例如 :
A:Be serious. 严肃点。
Come on, you must be joking.

She gave me the 'come on'. 就可以译为:她向我表示了她对我的好感 。

C:Hurry up. 快点

D: Please. 请。
Come on, tell me the truth.



看似很简单的词,实际上有些人还会用的不地道,因为在日常生活中excellent这个词除了可以形容心情好之外还可以用来形容任何好的东西。比如:Cindy is an excellent student.

除此之外,在口语中表达“好”或“优秀”的词很多,如:good, great, fine, excellent, outstanding, fantastic, splendid, first-class,fabulous,amazing,marvelous等等。

3. Well done

Well done 有两种意思,一种是“干的好”的意思,和good job的意思一样,另一种是表食物“熟的很透”的意思。看以下几个例子:

A. 我出色的完成了我的工作。我的老板说:Well done.

B. Duty well done brings a sense of pleasure.

C. The steak is well done.
