
: 英语巴士网趣味英语影视英语趣味英语内容详情



    暑期临近,各大影院暑期档影片吊足了我们的胃口。今天我们就来聊个轻松的话题——we'll talk about movies。An interesting topic, isn't it? I'm pretty sure that every one of you has enjoyed wonderful experiences in the wonderland of movies.


Today, you will have a chance to wander in this magic world, and listen to and talk about them in English. Besides, you will found it easy to understand English movies. Well, I see you cannot wait any longer. Let's go!

Now you will hear a conversation between two friends, Ella and Tom. They are discussing which film they are going to see tonight.

对话中,Tom 和Ella表达了对不同电影的不同感受。When you give your opinions on movies, you may use such adjectives as "wonderful, great, OK, or terrible" to show your likes or dislikes. 其他你可能用到的形容词还包括:fascinating,boring,interesting,slow-moving,fast-moving,sad,funny,violent等等。

那么,除了聊聊对电影的大体感受之外,还可以谈些什么呢?Many English learners in China do not have much to say in their conversations and lack the ability to develop their ideas fully. For instance, when you and your friend are talking about Titanic in English at a party, you may say It's great. When your friend asks why, you answer It's a moving story. That's all. 其实,如果想深入聊下去,我们可以谈谈影片的story,the characters,the acting,or even the music and costumes。熟练谈论complicated ideas是需要锻炼的。你可以尝试一步步地get your ideas fully developed。我们希望下面的一些话题可以对你有所启发:

        1 What is the name of the movie?

2 When was it made and by which movie studio?

3 What is the movie about?

4 When and where was the movie set?

5 What is the genre/type of the movie? (romance, adventure, action, science fiction, drama,  thriller, Western, horror, costumes, musical, comedy, etc.)

6 Who are the main characters?

7 What is the plot?

8 How does the movie end?

9 What impressed or touched you most?

10 Do you like the theme or the music?

11 Who stars in the movie?

12 Who is your favorite actor or actress in the movie?

13 What did you learn from the movie?

14 What do you think of the camera work?

15 What do you dislike about the movie?


目前市面上DVD影片字幕的中文翻译至少有20%的错误,多的可能达到40%还多,它们会很严重地影响到你对电影的理解。曾经有这么一部电影:男女主人公谈了半年的恋爱,一天晚上,男的打电话对女的说,"我们结婚吧",女的听了以后说,"Are you kidding?",男的说,"No,I am serious!"女的说,"好吧那我们结婚吧"。而该影片的字幕是怎么翻译的呢?男的打电话给女的说,"我们结婚吧",女的听了以后说,"你是基丁(kidding)先生吗?",男的说,"不,我是斯瑞而斯(serious)先生!"女的说,"好吧那我们结婚吧"。最恐怖的是这个翻译从表面上居然也能自圆其说。




现在你应该知道了,学英语的片子应该是生活片,里面有大量的对白,应该选喜剧片,保证你学习的愉快心情。下面推荐发音超级标准,语汇简单,句型经典,特别是省略句式非常好的两部电影:标准女音电影 Sabrina 情归巴黎;标准男音电影 Dove 真假总统。

        女演员中,发音比较好的有:1.Mag Rain 梅格·瑞恩 2.Julia Roberts 朱莉娅·罗伯茨 3.Cameron Diaz 卡梅隆·迪亚茨。


1 When harry meet salay 当哈里遇见莎莉

2 Pretty woman 漂亮女人

3 My best friend wedding 我最好朋友的婚礼

4 Erin Brockovich 永不妥协

5 There's Something About Mary 我为玛丽狂

6 Vanilla sky 香草的天空

7 Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图不眠夜

8 You've got mail 电子情书

男演员中,发音比较好的有:1.Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯 2.Dustin Hoffmann 达斯汀·霍夫曼。


1 Philadelphia 费城故事(1993版)

2 The Graduate 毕业生

3 Rain Man 雨人

4 Kramer Vs Kramer 克莱默夫妇

5 The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎

6 Legends Of The Fall 燃情岁月

7 Jerry Maguire 甜心先生

对自己的水平比较有信心的同学可以选择Sex and the City, Friends 等等时下比较流行的肥皂剧,通过剧情学习一些比较地道的口语表达,让自己的英语显得更加得地道。

