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Andie’s boss: Ladies, Judy Spears and Judy Green from Warren Advertising. We're going to cook up some fabulous tie-ins for the fall. Jeannie Ashcroft, Fashion and Trends. Michelle Rubin, Fitness and Health.

Michelle: Excuse me. Hi.

Andie’s boss: And Andie Anderson, our resident "How to" girl.

Spears: Oh, I've seen your column, Andie. What are you working on now?

Andie: Oh, actually...

Andie’s boss: "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days." She's actually going to start dating a guy, and then drive him away in a week and a half.

Green: Sounds needlessly vicious.

Andie’s boss: It's going to be fabulous. Now all she has to do is run along and find the lucky guy. Go, go, go.

Green & Spears: Nice to meet you.

Andie & Michelle & Jeannie: Bye. Good-bye.

Andie’s boss: Ladies, come.

Andie: Find the guy.

Michelle: Okay.

Jeannie: Find the guy.

Michelle: Oh, you are never going to pull this off.

Andie: Watch me. Tonight, I'll hook a guy. Tomorrow, pull the switch.

Before the ten days are up, I'm going to have this guy running for his life.

Jeannie: You're not going to burn his apartment down or bite him or anything, are you?

Andie: No! I'm going to limit myself to doing everything girls do wrong in relationships. Basically, everything we know guys hate. I'll be clingy, needy...

Jeannie: Be touchy-feely.

Andie: Yeah.

Jeannie: Ooh, call him in the middle of the night, and tell him everything you had to eat that day.

Michelle: What's wrong with that? I'm kidding.

Ben’s boss: Hello, Ben. What are you doing here?

Ben: Phil, I'm here for the meeting. Ladies.

Green: But you weren't invited.

Ben: Yeah, but I should have been. I mean, it was my tip that DeLauer's shopping for a new firm.

Ben’s boss: Yes, it was, but I have to think in terms of who's best-suited within the company team.

Ben: Yes, sir, and that's me. I want to handle this pitch.

Ben’s boss: Ben, you sell Joe Blow better than anyone else in my shop, but these girls sell luxury better than anyone else in the business. We have to put our best foot forward on this pitch. DeLauer would be our biggest account.

Ben: Yes, sir, they would. Annual advertising billings of 50- to $60 million. And I am the man that's going to bring this home for you, Phil.

Michelle: Why this place?

Jeannie: It's perfect. Hi, Ingrid.

Ingrid: Hi.

Jeannie: Mullins' is the apres-work watering hole for the upwardly mobile.

Ben: Now, to date, the diamond industry has always targeted men, sending the message that the woman needs the man to buy her the rock. All right, they say, "A diamond is forever." We say, "A diamond is for everyone."

Ben’s boss: I like that.

Ben: Yes.

Spears: We don't. "A diamond is for everyone" sends the message that diamonds are everywhere, which means they're not rare, and if they're not rare, they lose their status. Status is the reason to buy them in the first place, which Benjamin would know if he understood women, which you don't.

Ben’s boss: You can't feel bad about that, Ben. No man does.


1. cook up: <口> 想出,策划。影片中指的是策划广告。看一下例子:cook up sb.'s murder(策划谋杀某人)。cook up还有“编造、制造”的意思。例如:cook up an excuse(编造借口)。

2. tie-in: <美> 搭卖,搭卖广告,搭配销售的商品。在影片中指的是“搭卖广告”,Andie的老板请了Warren广告公司的Judy Spears和Judy Green来为她的杂志设计搭卖的广告。搭卖一般指紧俏商品与滞销商品搭配着出售,目的就是为了促销。

3. pull off: <口>(成功地或艰苦地)完成,做成,赢得。影片中Michelle认为Andie要在十天之内甩掉一个男人很难。看一下例子:pull off a million-pound deal(好不容易做成一笔百万英镑的生意)。

4. hook: 引(人)上钩,用计谋把……弄到手。影片中Andie信心满满地说她今晚就能钓到一个男友。请看例子:They hooked him into paying for everybody's lunch.(他们耍花招,让他为大家付午餐钱。)

5. for one's life: 逃命(似)地。例如:He was running for his life toward town.(他逃命似地向城里飞跑。)for one's life也可以用for dear life来替代,它还有“拼命地”的意思。例如:He held on to the ledge for dear life/for his life.(他死命抓牢岩石的突出部。)

6. clingy: (人)在情感上过于依赖他人的。如果要表达“依赖男子的妇女”或“离不开母亲的孩子”我们可以用clinging vine来表示。

7. touchy-feely: <口><贬> 感情外露的,煽情的,举止亲昵的。影片中Jeannie的意思是说如果一个女人太过腻歪了,男人也会厌烦。touchy-feely也可以用来形容男子,touchy-feely guys的意思是“女人气的男子”。

8. tip: 指点,忠告。

9. pitch: <美口> 商品广告。

10. put one's best foot forward: 全力以赴。例如:Put your best foot forward and you will succeed.(只要全力以赴你会成功。)

put one's best foot forward还有“给人留下好印象”的意思。请看例子:

Better get a haircut before you go to that job interview tomorrow. You want to put your best foot forward because there are twenty other people after the same job.


11. bring home: (向……)以强调形式清楚地显示或证实。Ben极力向老板证明他能够把这支钻石广告做好。看一下例子:The point is brought home in yesterday's detailed statistics.(昨天公布的详尽统计资料清楚地说明了这一点。)
