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Bob: Nora. Please don't wander off again.

Nora:I'm sorry, Bob.

Bob: Let's go pay for your costume. Yo, it's Ho. Just hold him till I get there.

Ian: Can I just say before we begin that only in the current distressed condition of the American public school system could I be deposited headfirst into a garbage can, and yet I'm the one who winds up receiving disciplinary action?

Principal: Who exactly are you?

Bob: I'm his mother's...

Ian: Neighbor.

Bob: Neighbor. I'm watching them for a few days.

Principal: Well, this is not the first time Ian has been in trouble. He gets in fights. He lies.

Ian: Hey, I don't lie.

Principal: Selena Gomez. You told everyone you invited Selena Gomez to the spring dance.

Ian: Her appearance fee was an obstacle.

Principal: You said you spent New Year's Eve at the Playboy Mansion.

Ian: Hey, pay-per-view high-def. I felt like I was there.

Bob: I'm telling you, lying is a dangerous game.

Ian: Bob, you sell pens. What do you...Oh, no. That's them.

Bob: Who?

Ian: The future felons who put me in the trash can.

Boy: Hey, geek-boy, we got detention because of you. Yeah, because of you. - You're gonna pay for that.

Bob: Gentlemen, we don't want trouble.

Boy: Who's this? Your mom?

Ian: You wish. He's my bodyguard. I hired him. You better watch out.

Boy: That true?

Bob: No. He's joking. I'm their babysitter.

Boy: What are you gonna do?

Bob: Ask you politely to allow us to pass.

Ian: How humiliating. Why didn't you do something?

Bob: Why did you tell them I was your bodyguard?

Ian: You're right. I guess it was too big a stretch. Hey. How you doing? I'm Ian. If I told you, you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

Girl: Damn.

Bob: At least you're not shy.

Ian:I wanted to talk to her in the worst way.

Bob: Mission accomplished.

Farren: Come here. You look so pretty.

Bob: Farren, I didn't know you did gymnastics.

Farren: Why would you? You don't know anything about me. You come over to hang out with Gillian, and you never even talk to us. Come on, let's go.

Ian: The woman's got a point.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. wander off:徘徊,迷路。鲍勃在这里是对诺拉说“不要到处乱跑了。”

2. headfirst:头向前地,这里是指伊恩被人头朝下扔进了垃圾桶。


3. disciplinary action:纪律处分。

4. appearance fee:出场费。

5. pay-per-view:按次计费的。网络上的点击计费就是pay-per-click,收看电视按频道收费就是pay-per-channel。

6. high-def:high-definition的缩写,在这里指高清电视。

7. felon:重罪犯。也可以指蛇头。

8. bodyguard:保镖,护卫。


9. too big a stretch:差得太远了。伊恩在这里的意思是鲍勃“和保镖的形象相差太大”。

10. hold something against someone:因某人的行为而对其评价低。来看下面这段话:

I don't think Marty's going to hold it against you, and I just hope Bill won't hold this against us.(我认为马蒂不会因为这件事忌恨你,我只希望比尔不会因此而反对我们。)

11. hang out with someone:和某人在一起。

12. get a point:有道理。

也可以说成have a point,比如:I admit (that) you have a point.(我承认你有理。)
