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Leigh Anne Tuohy: Have a great day. Learn something! Don't get your panties in a wad.

Woman with red hair: The best part about Paris was the food. They use sauce like we use gravy. I had to join a gym the day I got back.

Leigh Anne Tuohy: Any of y'all spent much time on the other side of town?

Woman with black hair: Where exactly are you talking about? -

Leigh Anne Tuohy: Alabama Street... Hurt Village.

Woman with black hair: Hurt Village - that sounds like a threat.

Leigh Anne Tuohy: You're not far off.

Woman with black hair: I think it might "hurt" me to go there.

Woman with long hair: It'd hurt your reputation to go there.

Woman with red hair: Well actually I'm from there but didn't mind hard work and look where I am now.

Leigh Anne Tuohy: Eating an eighteen dollar salad.

Woman with red hair: And it's a little soggy to be honest.

Woman with long hair:  Leigh Anne? What is this sudden interest in the project? Is this another one of your charities?

Woman with red hair: Wait. A project for the projects. Oh, that's catchy. Money would raise itself. Okay. Count me in, Leigh Anne.

Leigh Anne Tuohy: SJ, you have two more minutes on that playbox thing, alright?

S.J. Tuohy: Oh, Mom!

Leigh Anne Tuohy: Michael, do you want to stay here? Because... if you want to stay here... for awhile longer...I can find some time to figure out a bedroom for you. Because look at this, you've practically ruined a ten thousand dollar coach. You want to stay here, Michael?

Michael Oher: I don't want to go anyplace else.

Leigh Anne Tuohy: Well alright then. SJ, you'd better be off that playbox. - That wasn't two minutes.

Michael Oher: Good night Mrs. Tuohy.

Leigh Anne Tuohy: I see on the admission that we're Michael's contact for medical emergencies?

Teacher: Sean wrote that in last week. We needed contact number and the ones listed weren't in service.

Leigh Anne Tuohy: Sean. Love that man. What's this?

Teacher: The state makes schools measure for career aptitude in eight grade, and this just came with his file.

Leigh Anne Tuohy: What does it say about Michael?

Teacher: Spatial relations - third percentile. Ability to learn - fifth percentile. It's funny though. He tested in the 98th percentile in one category.

Leigh Anne Tuohy: Which one?

Teacher: "Protective instincts."

Leigh Anne Tuohy: So over here we have a desk. Chest o'drawers. Here's a night stand, a lamp, Alarm. Sean says all the pro athletes use futons if they can't find a bed big enough. So I got you one of those 'cause frames xxx It's not about to let that in my house. But I got you some nicer.

Michael Oher: It's mine?

Leigh Anne Tuohy: Yes, sir. What?

Michael Oher: Never had one before.

Leigh Anne Tuohy: What? A room to yourself?

Michael Oher: A bed.

Leigh Anne Tuohy: Well, you have one now.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. get your panties in a wad: 美国俚语:着什么急啊!不要催我!

2. sauce: 沙司,调味汁,soy sauce就是我们常用的酱油。

3. gravy: 肉汁,肉汤。也可以指“意外之财、飞来福”,可以解释成“外快”。能轻易发大财的工作就称为gravy train。

4. join a gym: 去健身。Gym一般指“体育馆”或“健身房”,是gymnasium的缩写,也可以说成是health club。

5. you're not far off: 你说的不算离谱,你说的没错。也可以说成not far out/wrong,表示差不多正确。

6. soggy: 乏味的,沉闷的,例如a soggy novel(枯燥无味的小说)。

此外,soggy还可以表示“潮湿的”,比如The ground was soggy after the heavy rain.(大雨过后,地面湿透了。)

7. catchy: 容易记住的,引人注目的。

例如:The chorus is very catchy to say the least.(副歌部分很容易上口。)

也可以表示“诡诈的,易使人上当的”,比如a catchy question on an exam(考试中设有陷阱的题目)。

8. money would raise itself: 投资一定升值,也就是“钱能生钱”。

9. count me in: 算我一个。

10. playbox: 儿童的个人玩具用品箱,playbox thing在这里指SJ的游戏机。

11. contact: 联系人。也可以指熟人。

例如:I've got a useful contact in the post office.(我在邮局有熟人。)

contact lens就是指“隐形眼镜片”。

12. career aptitude: 职业能力倾向。

13. night stand: 床头柜。

14. pro athletes: 职业运动员,professional athletes的缩写。

15. futon: 蒲团,折叠时可坐,铺开时可卧。
