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Charlotte: Hello?

Beydoun: Miss Jones, please.

Charlotte: Samantha, it's the front desk.

Samantha: This is Samantha Jones.

Beydoun: Miss Jones,this is Beydoun from front desk. I will need the credit card number for the room charges.

Samantha: Beydoun, there must be some mistake. I am a guest for Sheikh Khalid. There is no room charge.

Beydoun: Yes. I have a record for that, but not from today on.

Samantha: What are you talking about? I have a meeting with the Sheikh on Tuesday.

Beydoun: Yes. I have a note here from Mr. Mahmud that meeting no longer, as well.

Samantha: That sneaky bastard has canceled the meeting and he wants us to pay for the room from now on.

Beudoun: We have you booked into the suite until Wednesday and the charge is 22000 per night.

Samantha: The room is 22000 dollars a night!

Carrie: What?

Samantha: We can't pay that. Let them sue me.

Miranda: The punishment for not paying your hotel bill in the UAE is jail.

Samantha: What time is check-out?

Beydoun: In precisely 1 hour.

Samantha: We have an hour to pack, and get the fuck out of Abu Dhabi! New middle East my ass! Fucking Paula Abdul. Where is "she" when you need him?

Charlotte: Samantha! Samantha!I can't be ready in an hour.

Samantha: Then you better have 22,000 dollars a night!

Charlotte: Oh my god!

Miranda: I've got the bath products. They're here for the luggage.

Carrie: OK. I'm coming.

Miranda: Hi. I'm calling to reconfirm 4 first class tickets. Are you okay?

Samantha: Shorts? I no longer care. I'm going from here,to a plane, to America, where legs are not devil.

Miranda: At least zip up the jacket?

Samantha: I am having a hot flash in 119 degrees. I may die!

Miranda: Hello. We called down for 2 cabs going to the airport.

Waiter: Right away.

Miranda: Thank you.

Carrie: Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Charlotte: Oh my god!

Carrie: What?

Charlotte: I forgot to buy Harry and girls the gift! I have to get back to the gift shop!

Miranda: Get them at the airport.

Charlotte: Eww, how tacky! No. We have time.the plane isn't leaving until 6.

Miranda: Not chancing it. It's a miracle I got these seats rebooked. If anything goes wrong, we are flying back in 13 and half hours, in coach!

Samantha: Buy them some crap at the airport!

Carrie: It isn't here, my passport.

Samantha: Is it in another purse?

Carrie: No no, I had it right here next my money and the spices and they are not here either. I left it where I bought the shoes. I put it on the counter, and when I saw Aidan, I got distracted, and I...

Miranda: It's alright. It's okay.

Carrie: I have to go back.

Charlotte: What if it's not there?

Carrie: It will be there. It has to be! Miranda, will you go with me?

Miranda: Sure!

Charlotte: We'll all go with you.

Carrie: No you don't have to do that.

Samantha: Yeah like we'd dump you at Abu Dhabi.

Miranda: Sir, we need to leave the bags here. We'll come back for them. No no no no no... No sir no! Not at all!

Miranda: Will you stop with the jacket? You are flashing religious men.

Samantha: I don't care. I'm baking from the inside out. How much further?

Carrie: There he is, yeah. There he is! Hello sir. I was here the other day and I left a blue passport. Yes! That's it. Thank God! Thank Allah! Just please accept this, as a "thank you" sir.

Seller: No,no.

Carrie: Well in that case, shoes for everyone! Ok. Ladies on me. Quick! Quick!

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. front desk:前台。

2. room charge:酒店的房费。

3. sneaky:卑鄙的,鬼鬼祟祟的。我们常说的“卑鄙小人”就可以用sneaky person来表达。

4. first class:头等舱。

飞机中除了first class外,还有economy class/tourist class(经济舱)和business class(商务舱)。

5. zip up:拉上拉链。

6. hot flash:也写作hot flush,指女性更年期的潮热。

7. tacky:俗气的,缺乏教养或风度的;也可以指油漆、胶水等未干透的;发黏的。

例如:Apply solution to the tube and allow to become tacky.(在内胎上涂抹胶水并让它发粘。)


8. chance it:冒险一试,碰运气,非常口语化的表达方法。

9. rebook:改签。

例如:But luckily I was able to rebook the same day.(幸运的是,我可以重新预定当天的飞机。)

10. coach:经济舱。

11. Allah:阿拉,伊斯兰教中的真主。
