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John Crowley: Does he have about 5?

Colleague: He does, yeah.

John Crowley: Thanks.

Colleague: No problem, Mr. Crowley.

John Crowley: Hey, Kent? Knock-knock. Got a minute? Kent?

Kent: Do you have any idea what you've done?

John Crowley: Excuse me?

Kent: We got a call this morning from Portland Rose Hospital, about sending them enzyme for your kids?

John Crowley: Right. Yeah, I know. That's what I'm here to talk to you about.

Kent: You and Stonehill set this up behind my back. Now you come to me.

John Crowley: It's all tentative.

Kent: You want this company to sponsor a drug study, for 2 children whose father is an executive of this company? Have you never heard the term "conflict of interest?"

John Crowley: It has nothing to do with a...

Kent: Do you know what the FDA would do if they found out?

John Crowley: There is strong scientific justification for this study. There is great research value.

Kent: I'm a doctor, John. I know the research value! But you guys just can't go off half-cocked without consulting us!

John Crowley: And I'm sure that if we just go and talk to Erich, we can...

Kent: Erich already knows. He's furious about being blindsided.

John Crowley: I didn't try to blindside anyone.

Kent: This is the reason why we have a reporting structure, why we have established procedure, why there is protocol.

John Crowley: You heartless, bloodless machine. You just have to fight me every step of the way! Don't you? You just hated it when I brought the kids with Pompe to the doorstep!

Kent: You weren't thinking about those kids when you put your children into that program and jeopardized a decade's worth of research investment made by this company!

John Crowley: This is not about a return on an investment! It's about kids, kids with names, dreams, families that love them.

Kent: You've jeopardized your chances of ever getting your kids treated.

John Crowley: I'm not arguing science with you! On every level! On every level, you've stood...I was just drafting a letter of apology for senior management, but I guess we're past that point.

Kent: I just spoke to Erich, and we are terminating your employment.

John Crowley: Okay, I'll pack up my stuff.

Kent: Just one thing, John. I may well be a tight-ass pencil-pushing company man, but I resent being called heartless. Look... Just let me finish. The reason we're terminating your employment, is to eliminate the conflict of interest. This strategy was brought to my attention by our colleague, Dr. Stonehill, in rather crude terms. This will allow the sibling trial to proceed for its purely scientific value. Have your desk cleared out by the end of the day.

John Crowley: Kent, what's with the...

Kent: I wanted to make sure you didn't punch me out before I could tell you.

John Crowley: ... Well...thank you very much for firing me.

Kent: My pleasure. I never liked you.

John Crowley: Likewise.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. behind one’s back: 在某人背后,背着某人做。

例如:He went behind my back complaining to the manager.(他背着我向经理提出投诉。)

2. tentative: 尝试性的,暂定的。克罗利在这里是说“只是想试试看”。

3. conflict of interest: 利益冲突。在这里是指公司为了管理人员的两个孩子赞助一个药物研究。

4. go off half-cocked: 不了解情况,不分青红皂白地莽撞行事。

Half-cocked表示“做得过早的,轻率行动的”,在打枪时也表示“枪已扣到半击发位置的”。例如:My boss went off half-cocked today when I came in late.(我上班迟到了。老板一见到我二话不说就开始训斥。)

5. blindside: 使遭受意外打击,或攻其不备;出其不意地袭击。

分开写的blind side意思是“缺点、弱点”。

6. We are past that point: 但是似乎没必要了。

7. tight-ass: an inhibited, repressed, or excessively conventional person 极严谨的,拘泥的,一板一眼的。

8. pencil-pushing: 利益至上的。例如:An old grandma who looked as if she wouldn't harm a fly called me a pencil-pushing capitalist dupe.


9. sibling trial: 亲属研究。是针对两个具有相同遗传基因病人的药物临床试验,本剧中接受试验的就是克罗利的两个孩子梅根和帕特里克。
