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Prudence: So great you two could join us. Really wonderful when grandparents play an integral role in early humans' lives. We love them.

Jack: Early humans do need guidance.

Prudence: Is that your role, Jack? To guide them?

Jack: Yes, I see myself as something of a shepherd, guiding our family through life's pastures.

Focker: Yes, I would say Jack is sort of an honorary shepherd. Kind of a shepherd emeritus, if you will.

Jack: Well, when my sheep wander, I use my prod to keep my flock in line.

Prudence: Oh, there are a lot of family dynamics at play here.

Dina: Why don't we begin the interview process?

Prudence: Okay, Henry, I just want you to clear your mind and draw a picture for me of the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "family." This is just like being at the eye doctor. Start at the top and work your way down.

Dina: Why would she give her an eye test?

Jack: It's called a Heisenreich Experiment. We used it at the agency to test the aptitude of potential recruits.

Sam: All the letters are the same, so it's not really an eye test.

Prudence: Very impressive cognition, Samantha.

HenryL E... E... E? I need to start over. Okay, Henry, let's see what you've chosen to draw.

Focker: What is it? What did he draw?

Henry: Dad stuck Grandpa Jack in the wee-wee last night. Because he's old.

Pam: I'm sorry? What did he say?

Jack: I didn't hear him.

Focker: Something about Grandpa Jack having a cold.

Prudence: So tell me about your parents, Samantha.

Sam: Tell me about your parents, Prudence.

Jack: That's my girl.

Prudence: Wanna tell me about your family?

Henry: My dad is a great guy.

Focker: Thank you, buddy.

Henry: But Grandpa Jack makes him really, really scared. So he acts all crazy when he's with him. Like he tried to cut the turkey with Grandpa's big knife and he slipped and he cut his finger. And he was like, "Oh, shit!"

Jack: Oh, he's blowing the interview.

Focker: She's setting him up to fail with these questions. I mean, Sam's a better tester, anyway, so...

Jack: Well, that's because she takes after...

Focker: Takes after who, Jack?

Jack: Let's just say I've done some research on twins. There's a theory that in certain cases, one twin gets an extra chromosome from the father, while the other sibling gets an extra chromosome from the mother's side. Sam might be three quarters Byrnes, whereas Henry could very well have a double dose of Focker in him.

Focker: And what if he does?

Henry: My Grandpa Bernie taught me this. Pull my finger.

Jack: Double dose.

Prudence: Let's go out to the courtyard for some free play.

Focker: I mean, what is "free-play test"? How well they hang on the monkey bars?

Jack: I don't think you get it, Greg. You know when prison guards learn the most about their inmate population? During rec time in the yard. I'm sure Prudence is in her office right now watching every move these kids make.

Henry: Dad?

Focker: Yeah.

Henry: Can I please go climb that big rock wall?

Focker: Yeah, okay. Just be careful, buddy, all right?

Henry: All right.

Jack: Do you think he can handle that?

Focker: What's the big deal?

Jack: I'm just not sure you've instilled the physical confidence for him to shear a face like that.

Focker: Jack, do me a favor. Just let go of the reins a little, okay?

Jack: I'll let go, Greg, when you show me, once and for all, that you have what it takes to lead.

Focker: I am in control of my family, all right? If I give Henry permission to climb a wall, he can climb a wall. If he says he wants to climb the Empire State Building and I say it's okay, it's okay, because I'm in charge. All right? I'm calling the plays now. So you just got to step back and accept the fact that I have got this.

Dina: Oh, he is such a brave boy, isn't he?

Doctor: See, it's not so bad.  It's just a slight fracture.

Pam: Okay, thanks.

Jack: Hey, Henry, are you doing all right?

Kevin: Hey, I came as soon as I heard. Prudence told me there was a little bit of a kerfuffle over at E.H.S.

Jack: Oh, that's an understatement. Thanks to Greg, we can wave goodbye to their educational future.

Dina: Jack.

Kevin: Oh, no, no. Pru's a forgiving soul.I think I can patch things up. In the meantime, I got a little something for Hank the Tank here. Someone to keep you company until you're reunited with Arthur.

Focker: What is that?

Henry: Thanks, Papa Kev.

Focker: Papa Kev?

Kevin: Yeah, old fraternity nickname. I told Hank the Tank here he could call me by that handle.

Focker: You're not Hank the Tank. Nobody calls him Hank the Tank.

Kevin: You wanna be Papa Greg?

Focker: No, I am Papa... I'm Greg. I'm Greg, his papa. So I don't need to be Papa Greg. I don't need to put a little thing in front of it.

Broadcasting: Paging Nurse Focker.

Jack: Pam, we need to talk for a minute.

Pam: Oh, okay. Mom?

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. emeritus: 名誉退休的,退休的,emeritus professor就是指“名誉教授”

2. blow: (美国俚语)因笨而失去(良机)等;将……搞糟。这里的意思是“他把面试搞砸了。”

例如:We had our chance and blew it.(我们曾有一次机会,但却失去了。)

3. chromosome: 染色体

4. rec time: 娱乐时间,这里指监狱的防风时间,rec是recreation的缩写。

5. What's the big deal: 没什么大不了的,有问题吗?

Big deal常用作反语,指至关重要的大事,了不起的事情。例如:Big deal! I caught a fish twice that big last week.(了不得!上星期我钓到的鱼有那条的两倍大。) Big deal还可以指“大人物”。

6. let go of the reins: 不要管得太严,放手。Let go of意思是“释放,放开”,rein指的是“驾驭,控制”。这句话的意思是“杰克,拜托你,别老盯得那么紧。”

7. once and for all: 彻底地,永远地

例句:John's back home once and for all.(约翰回到家,再也不走了。)

8. kerfuffle: 骚乱,混乱

例句:What's all the kerfuffle (about)? (这乱哄哄的是怎么回事?)

9. patch up: 平息,修补。这句话的意思是“这事儿我可以摆平”。

10. fraternity: 在美语中指大学的兄弟会,也可以指兄弟情谊,或者同行朋友/会友的总称。

例如:He's a member of the medical fraternity.(他是医务界的一员。)
