It's just I've never flunked a test in my entire life. 只是我这辈子从来没有考试不及格过。 What if I don't make my deadline, Eric? 埃里克,要是我在截止日期前完不成怎么办? You don't have to bite my head off. I'm just quoting Julia. 你不需要冲我发火,我不过是在引用朱莉娅的话。 Or he won't pick up the check. 如果那样他就不给付账单。 I'm having a hard time pretending to be anything but devastated. 我感到很崩溃,但是还要假装一切都好,这日子真难熬。 I am a one-way street, just like Eric says. 就像埃里克说的,我这人就是我行我素。 Frankly, she was kind of a pill about it. 坦白讲,她对此很有意见。 Eric, me, the cat, slightly worse for wear, sitting in the outer boroughs, eating. 埃里克,我,还有我们的猫,身材都有些走样了,我们坐在巷子里,酣畅地吃喝。 |