《真爱至上》用十个小故事,为我们描绘了真爱千姿百态的样子:它无关身份、阶级、地位、语言、年龄……它真实又浪漫,偶然又命中注定,令人心碎但还是要继续前行。论及我们爱《真爱至上》的理由,真的太多太多: It depicts love in a beautiful array of forms It shows love in many forms: the deep bond that can build between a stepfather and his stepson, the complex love between a sister and her troubled brother, and honestly, we're not even sure what between aging rock star Billy Mack and his right-hand man, Joe. It's sentimental, yet authentic Unlike more saccharine examples of the holiday movie genre, this film doesn't just focus on the happy stuff. Despite dealing in heartbreaking experiences like the death of a loved one, unrequited love, cheating and self-sacrifice, Love Actually somehow still manages to impart all of the classic warm and fuzzy holiday-film feels. It just never gets old It never feels stale or outdated. Because the world needs more love, not less, and Hugh Grant's prime minister offers an important reminder to that effect in the first five minutes of the film: “If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around.” |