1. 睡到自然醒 清晨六点,Daisy把各屋的女仆叫醒,这时Anna睡眼朦胧地说: Just for once in my life, I'd like to sleep until I woke up natural. 哪怕这辈子只有一次,我真想睡到自然醒。 2. 太阳打西边出来 Mrs Patmore对早晨的炉火还很旺表示不可思议,她说: Oh, my, my, will wonders never cease? 太阳打西边出来了啊。(还真是不可思议啊。) 3. 说你迟了,你就是迟了 Thomas见到William后,William赶紧说,“我没迟到吧”,但Thomas可不这么想。他霸道地说: You're late when I say you're late. 我说你迟了就是迟了。 4. 我会记清楚的 Thomas向Bates交代工作,Bates向他表态说: I'll get the hang of it. 我会记清楚的。 (get the hang of:熟悉某物的用法;掌握做某事的窍门。比如:I don't get the hang of his remarks.我不明白他讲话的要点。) 5. “胜任”工作怎么说? Carson对Bates的能力表示怀疑,他对老爷说: I'm not entirely sure that he'll prove equal to the task. 我不太确定他能否胜任这份工作。 6. 东方不亮西方亮 Thomas不甘心做男仆,和O'Brien密谋把Bates赶走,自己去做老爷的贴身侍从,但一时没有得逞。O'Brien劝他办法多的是: There's more than one way to skin a cat. 东方不亮西方亮。(办法多的是/条条大路通罗马) 7. 说三道四 伯爵夫妇就Bates的工作问题又发生了争执,伯爵夫人认为Bates无法胜任,所以也难怪别人说三道四。 But is this the right way, to employ him for a job he can't do? Is it any wonder if the others' noses are put out? 但也不能勉强他做根本无法胜任的工作,也难怪别人说长道短的(说三道四)。 |