Chapter 6 Don't worry," said Joy. "I got this." She stepped in and pushed a lever on the console. Riley smiled as she stood up and spoke to the class. "My name is Riley Anderson," she said. "I'm from Minnesota. And now I live here." "And how about Minnesota?" the teacher asked. "Can you tell us something about it? Well, you certainly get a lot more snow than we do," she said. Joy slapped her knee and laughed. "She's hilarious!" she said, turning a lever on the console. Riley smiled as she told the class about Minnesota. She told them about the lake and how it froze over in the winter. She talked about being on an ice hockey team called the Prairie Dogs and playing with her friend Meg. Joy recalled a memory of the family skating together and played it on the screen. Riley smiled, thinking about the memory, and continued to talk about playing hockey and how it was a family tradition. But then something very strange happened… the image on the screen that the Emotions were watching turned BLUE. Riley's smile faded and her brow furrowed. Suddenly, she felt very sad. Joy and the other Emotions looked around confused until their eyes landed on Sadness, who was guiltily touching the memory sphere, which had also turned blue. "Sadness!" Joy said, shocked. "You touched a memory!" "Oh yeah, I know. I'm sorry," Sadness said. "Get back in your circle," Joy snapped. Then she tried to eject the memory, but it wouldn't come out! "Get it out of there, Joy!" Fear shouted. "Cool kids whispering at three o'clock," Disgust said, pointing to the screen. Inside the classroom, Riley was sniffling and some of the kids were whispering. "Did you see that look?" Fear said, panicking. "They're judging us!" Joy, Fear, Anger, and Disgust all tried to get the memory out, but it wouldn't budge. Riley's eyes welled up with tears as she continued. "But everything's different now," she said. "Since we moved…" Her voice trailed off and she was unable to speak. "Oh no!" Fear shouted. "We're CRYING AT SCHOOL!" Joy turned to the console to see SADNESS DRIVING! "What? No!" she shouted. Finally, she yanked the memory out and pulled Sadness off the controls. PING! A new memory had been created, and it was bright blue. "Whoa!" Anger said. "It's a core memory!" Fear shouted in awe. "But it's blue!" Disgust said. The bright blue memory rolled down the track as the core memory holder whirred into action. "No, wait!" Joy said, trying to stop it. She jumped and slapped her hand on the holder, popping the memory up and grabbing it. Then she leaned over and pressed the end-of-day Memory Dump button, causing the vacuum tube to come down from the ceiling. Joy got ready to send the blue core memory up, hoping it would be like it had never existed! "Joy, no," Sadness said, running to save the memory. "That's a core memory!" "Hey! Stop it," Joy said. As the two struggled over the bright blue sphere, they bumped into the core memory holder and all the core memories fell out! Fear, Anger, and Disgust screamed as the Islands of Personality went DARK. Joy quickly tossed the blue memory aside and scrambled as she tried to collect the core memories rolling around the floor like marbles. Sadness snatched up the blue core memory and moved to place it in the core memory holder, but Joy lunged and caused it to slip out of her hands. Then the powerful suction from the vacuum started to suck the blue core memory up through the tube! Joy tumbled backward and dropped the memories she had gathered. Then the suction began to pull one of the gold core memories toward the tube. "No, no, no, no!" Joy shouted. She reached in to try to grab the memory and was sucked up with it! The intense suction pulled Sadness in, too! Fear, Anger, and Disgust watched helplessly as Joy, Sadness, and the core memories were vacuumed up into the tube! Back in the classroom, the teacher thanked Riley for sharing. Riley wiped her tears away as she sat down and awkwardly buried her head in her book. Meanwhile, Joy and Sadness rocketed through the vacuum tube, clutching the core memories. Because they had never been out of Headquarters, they looked around in awe at parts of Riley's Mind World. As everything outside raced by, they couldn't help wondering: Where were they going to end up? 第 6 章 “别担心,”乐乐说道,“看我的。”她走上控制台,推动上面的控制杆。 莱莉站了起来,笑着向全班同学介绍自己:“我的名字叫莱莉·安德森。我来自明尼苏达州,现在住在这里。” “明尼苏达州怎么样?”老师问道,“能不能给我们讲一讲?你们那儿的雪显然比这儿多。” 乐乐拍着膝盖笑了起来。“她可真幽默!”她一边说,一边旋转控制杆。 莱莉笑着向全班同学介绍明尼苏达州,告诉他们那儿的湖泊在冬天会结厚厚的冰,告诉他们自己曾经是草原土拨鼠冰球队的一员,和朋友梅格一起参加比赛。乐乐想起曾经和家人一起溜冰的记忆,于是那段记忆被放映在屏幕上。 莱莉想起那段记忆便笑了起来,她继续说着玩冰球的事,告诉同学们那是他们家的家庭传统。但是接下来,非常奇怪的事情发生了……情绪小人们正在观看的屏幕画面变成了蓝色。 莱莉的笑容消失了,她皱起眉头。突然之间,她觉得非常难过。乐乐和其他情绪小人疑惑地看了看四周,目光落在忧忧身上。忧忧正内疚地摸着记忆球,而那个记忆球也变蓝了。 “忧忧!”乐乐震惊地说道,“你碰了记忆球!” “哦,是啊,我知道,对不起。”忧忧说道。 “回你的圆圈里去。”乐乐呵斥道。她试图让记忆球弹出来,但是失败了! “乐乐,快把它弄出来!”怕怕叫道。 “三点钟方向的那些酷孩子正在窃窃私语。”厌厌指着屏幕说。 教室里,莱莉抽噎了起来,有些孩子开始交头接耳。“看到那眼神了吗?”怕怕慌了,“他们在说我们呢!” 乐乐、怕怕、怒怒,还有厌厌一起试着把记忆球弹出来,但是它纹丝不动。莱莉的眼泪涌了出来。“但是现在一切都变了,”她继续说道,“自从我们搬到这里……”她的声音越来越小,直到说不出话。 “哦,不!”怕怕叫道,“我们竟然在学校里哭了!” 乐乐转向控制台,却发现忧忧在操纵!“什么?不!”她叫了起来。她猛地用力,记忆球终于弹了出来。乐乐把忧忧从控制台推开。砰!新的记忆球产生了,竟是明亮的蓝色。 “哇!”怒怒感叹道。 “是核心记忆球!”怕怕胆怯地叫道。 “但是蓝色的!”厌厌补充道。 核心记忆装置嗡嗡响着运作起来,亮蓝色的记忆球便滚下轨道。“不,等等!”乐乐试图拦住记忆球。她跳起来伸手拍在记忆架上,记忆球弹了起来,乐乐一把抓住。接着,她探身按下每天记忆清理按钮,天花板上伸下一根真空管。乐乐准备将蓝色核心记忆球放进去,就当这个记忆球从来没有出现过! “乐乐,不要。”忧忧跑过来想要救下记忆球。 “那可是一个核心记忆球!” “嘿!别闹。”乐乐说道。 她们俩抢夺着那个亮蓝色记忆球,不小心碰到了核心记忆装置,所有的核心记忆球都掉了出来!性格岛全部变暗了,怕怕、怒怒和厌厌尖叫了起来。 乐乐赶紧将蓝色记忆球扔到一边,手忙脚乱地试图捡起像弹珠一样在地上四处滚动的核心记忆球。忧忧抢先抓起蓝色核心记忆球,想要把它放回核心记忆装置上,但乐乐猛冲了过来,使记忆球从忧忧手中滑落。这时,真空管强大的吸力将蓝色核心记忆球吸了进去! 乐乐向后摔倒,先前收集的记忆球也掉落在地。这时真空管开始将一个金色核心记忆球吸入管道。“不,不,不,不!”乐乐叫了起来。她伸出手,想要抓住记忆球,但是却被一起吸了进去!强大的吸力将忧忧也吸了进去! 怕怕、怒怒和厌厌无助地看着乐乐、忧忧和核心记忆球全部被吸进了真空管! 教室里,老师感谢了莱莉的分享。莱莉擦干眼泪,坐回座位,尴尬地把头埋在书后面。 与此同时,乐乐和忧忧被快速吸进真空管,手里还牢牢抓着核心记忆球。她们从来没有离开过情绪总部,因此惊讶地看着莱莉大脑世界的其他组成部分。随着外面的一切快速闪过,她们不禁担心起来:她们最后会停在哪里? |