Maui reached his hand to the sky to read the stars, and Moana raised her hand, too. Maui lifted her arm a little higher, placing it in just the right spot, showing her the proper way to navigate. A moon bow shone brightly above as the ocean carried their little boat into the night. With a little help from Maui, Moana managed to lead the way, navigating using the stars and the moon. He was proud of how well she did and believed she was well on her way to being a great wayfinder. As dawn broke and a bright sun rose over the horizon, Maui sat perched on the mast of the boat, looking out through the haze. He watched Moana for a moment as she guided the boat, appreciating her skills. Then he looked back out at the sea, deep in thought. He turned to Moana and smiled. "What?" Moana asked curiously. "I figured it out," Maui said, grinning. He jumped down to the deck of the boat, landing on both feet with a great thud. "The ocean used to love when I pulled up islands ... 'cause your ancestors would sail her seas to find 'em. All those new lands ... the people ... it was the water that connected them all. And if I were the ocean, I think I'd be looking for a curly-haired non-princess to start that again." "That is the nicest thing you've ever said to me," said Moana. "Probably should've saved it for Te Fiti," she added playfully. Maui smiled. "I did." Maui gestured out over the boat. As the haze began to lift, Moana saw something in the distance. Beyond the rolling swells of the ocean, she could make out a clear ring of islands rising up out of the water. They created a barrier to Te Fiti. The great island goddess was resting within their protection. Moana couldn't believe it ... they had actually made it. "Moana of Motunui, I believe you have officially delivered Maui across the great sea," Maui said. Then he turned to Mini Maui and said, "Round of applause." Mini Maui cheered, and a group of tattoo figures bobbed up and down as Maui imitated the roar of a crowd. "Haaaa ... Moanaaaa ... you're so amazing." Moana chuckled, and the two looked at each other with pride, feeling good about how far they had come. "It's time," Maui said, holding his hand out to her. As Moana pulled the heart of Te Fiti from her shell necklace, a deafening, high-pitched noise broke the silence. Clouds of smoke and ash began to build. Moana handed him the heart and said, "Go save the world." Maui took the heart and his magical hook. Then he transformed into a hawk. Flapping his mighty wings, he rocketed toward the rough waters around the barrier islands. Moana cheered him on. As he approached the plumes of ash, a horrific face appeared through the clouds: Te Kā. The molten monster screamed and shrieked with rage as it revealed itself. It was the size of a mountain and grew as it moved, reaching up into the sky. Te Kā dripped with lava and flashed with the fires of Earth's inner forces. It was a terrifying sight. "Maui ... ," said Moana, her body stiffening with fear. Before Maui could even react, Te Kā knocked him hard, and his powers fritzed. He shook it off and flew higher and higher. Te Kā raised a molten fist and, with one ferocious swipe, knocked Maui from the sky. "No!" Moana screamed. As Maui plummeted toward the ocean, Moana filled her sail and raced to try and catch him. Maui hit the water hard, but Moana snatched him up as she sailed past. Then she ran back to the oar and started to steer toward a gap in the barrier islands. "Wh-what are you doing?" asked Maui, confused. "Finding you a better way in!" she said. She slalomed the boat and was lined up to break through the barrier islands, but Te Kā was approaching fast. "We won't make it!" shouted Maui. He grabbed the oar and tried to take control of the canoe. "TURN AROUND! STOP! MOANA, STOP!" he shouted. Determined, Moana ignored him and continued to steer the boat, dead set on succeeding in their mission. Te Kā was gaining on them, racing faster and faster. When the monster was a few feet away, Maui shoved Moana, knocking her aside with the oar. But it was too late. Te Kā's fist came down toward her. At the last second, Maui raised his hook high in the air to block it. As Te Kā hit Maui's hook, a huge shock wave rippled out, causing ocean swells that blasted Moana and Maui farther from Te Fiti. Te Kā lunged over the top of the waves, trying to reach them, but couldn't. It was as if Te Kā was tethered to the barrier islands. The enormous tidal surge continued to carry Moana and Maui, pushing them into the darkness. 毛伊伸手指向天空来定位星群,莫阿娜也跟着举起手。毛伊将她的手臂稍稍抬高一些,移到合适的位置,教她如何正确地导航。 月虹闪烁,大海载着他们的小船驶入黑夜之中。 在毛伊的指导下,莫阿娜借着月色和星座找到航向,驾船前行。毛伊看着莫阿娜的表现,由衷地为她感到自豪,他相信,凭她如此出色的导航术,日后必将成为一位伟大的寻路人。 破晓时分,一轮红日从地平线缓缓升起,毛伊坐在桅杆上,透过薄雾向外望去。他看了会儿正在驾船的莫阿娜,很欣赏她的技能。他回望大海,沉思良久。接着,又转向莫阿娜,冲她笑了笑。 “笑什么?”莫阿娜好奇地问道。 “我总算明白了。”毛伊笑着说道。他从桅杆上跳下,双脚重重地落在甲板上。“曾经,当我将这些岛屿一座座拔出海面时……大海相对温和,你的先辈们总是驾着船只来寻找它们。所有这些新大陆……岛民……都是通过海域紧密相连。假如我是大海,我一定会找一个普通的卷发女孩来重新开启海洋之旅。” “这是你对我说过的最动听的话。”莫阿娜说道。“或许我们应该把这些话讲给特菲提听。”她打趣道。 毛伊笑着说:“我已经讲过了。” 此时,毛伊伸手指向船外。薄雾逐渐消散,莫阿娜看到了远处的景象。在波浪翻滚的尽头,一座环形群岛从海面缓缓升起。它们形成了一道天然屏障,美丽的特菲提女神在它们的守卫下沉睡着。莫阿娜不敢相信……他们真的抵达了特菲提岛。 “莫图鲁尼的莫阿娜,我确信,你已经带着毛伊穿越广袤的大海,抵达特菲提岛了。”毛伊说道。然后他又转向小毛伊说道:“掌声响起来啊。” 小毛伊欢呼雀跃,一块块文身上蹿下跳,毛伊也模仿着大伙的喊声:“哈……哈……哈……莫阿娜娜娜……你真是太棒了。” 莫阿娜咯咯直笑,他们俩自豪地对视,为他们已经走了这么远感到由衷地喜悦。 “是时候了。”毛伊伸出手对她说道。 莫阿娜刚从项链中取出特菲提之心,一声震耳欲聋的巨响就打破了宁静,随即升起了团团烟雾和灰烬。 莫阿娜将特菲提之心递给毛伊说道:“去吧,去拯救世界。” 毛伊一手接过特菲提之心,一手拿着魔法鱼钩,然后摇身一变,成了一只巨鹰。他挥动着有力的翅膀,飞速冲向障壁岛周边波涛翻滚的海域。 莫阿娜不停地给他欢呼打气。他靠近火山灰云时,一张令人毛骨悚然的脸出现在云层中:正是恶卡。这个火山恶魔渐渐显露出来,怒火冲天地嘶吼着。他的身形高大如山,随着他的动作还在不断变大,直达天际。岩浆顺着他的身体往下滴落,与地心之力的火光交相四射。那场面真是触目惊心。 “毛伊……小心!”莫阿娜喊道,她吓得全身僵直。 毛伊还没反应过来,就被恶卡狠狠击了一下,他的灵力随之消失了。毛伊奋力甩开它,越飞越高。可恶卡挥起灼热的拳头在他身后穷追不舍,朝他猛击过去,将他从空中打落了下来。 “不!”莫阿娜尖叫道。 见毛伊朝海里跌落,莫阿娜立即扬起船帆,朝他驶去,想赶在他落水前接住他。毛伊重重地落到了水里,但莫阿娜快速驾船而过将他拉了起来。然后,她跑回去抓起船桨,开始朝障壁岛的一个峡谷驶去。 “你在做——做什么?”毛伊一脸困惑地问道。 “给你找条更好的路进去!”她答道。她驾着小船,冲破阻碍,穿越障壁岛,但恶卡仍在他们身后一路紧追。 “我们没戏的!”毛伊大喊道。他夺过船桨,试图掌控小船。“赶紧调头!快停下!莫阿娜,快停下!”他喊道。 一脸坚决的莫阿娜却对他置之不理,继续掌舵前行,誓死完成他们的使命。恶卡穷追不舍,越冲越快。当恶卡离他们只有几英尺远时,毛伊迅速用船桨将莫阿娜猛推到一旁。可还是晚了一步。恶卡的拳头径直朝莫阿娜挥去了。千钧一发之际,毛伊举起鱼钩,抵挡他的进攻。 恶卡击中了毛伊的鱼钩,刹那间,巨浪滔天,海浪把莫阿娜和毛伊卷离了特菲提岛。恶卡迎浪而上,想抓住他们,但没有得逞。他好像被障壁岛给拴住了。此时,巨浪仍裹卷着莫阿娜和毛伊,将他们带入了一片黑暗之中。 |