Using her wayfinding skills, Moana sailed into the morning. As her boat rode over huge rolling swells, she spotted the ring of barrier islands surrounding Te Fiti in the distance. When she approached, she found a gap wide enough for her canoe to pass through. "Te Kā can't follow us into the water... . We make it past the barrier islands ... we make it to Te Fiti." She put Heihei in a basket. "None of which you understand because you are a chicken." Moana gripped the heart and prepared herself as she sailed toward the small opening. Through a thick cloud of ash, she could see the bright fires of Te Kā. Moana eased the boat forward. Te Kā roared as it emerged, rising up and covering half the sky. It spit and spewed hot lava and raised a massive fist, about to destroy the boat, but Moana was ready. Using one of Maui's tricks, she jumped on the boat to make it flip up on its side and then headed toward a second gap, managing to escape Te Kā's violent blow. Fueled by even more anger, Te Kā screeched as it raced across the barrier islands at full speed, trying to cut Moana off. The ferocious volcano monster hurled chunks of molten lava, which exploded in huge plumes of ash and steam as they hit the water with an angry hiss. Moana slalomed the boat to avoid the lava and made her way closer and closer to the pass. But Te Kā was too fast for Moana and blocked the opening with lava. When the steam cleared, Moana was nowhere to be found. Te Kā's flaming head whipped right to left, scouring the area, hunting for her. To the monster's surprise, Moana appeared out of reach, unfurling her sail. She had doubled back and was rocketing toward the first gap! Te Kā shrieked with rage and threw a gigantic ball of lava. It smashed into the mountains above Moana. She pulled the line hard and sliced through the gap, but enormous boulders crashed down, falling all around her. Moana lost her grip on the rope, but to her surprise, Heihei grabbed it just before it slipped away! Moana took the rope and made it through the barrier islands! "We did it!" Moana shouted. "We—" She turned to smile at Heihei but realized he wasn't on the boat. He was flailing in the water behind her. "Heihei?" Unable to leave the rooster behind, she thrust her oar into the water to stop and spun her boat around. She sailed toward Heihei and plucked him out of the sea. Just as she was about to continue sailing toward Te Fiti, a deafening noise blared as the mighty volcano monster emerged once again, snarling and growling. The force of Te Kā's movement sent a sky-high wave toward Moana, and her boat didn't stand a chance. It capsized and Moana was tossed into the water! As boulders rained down, Moana swam toward the canoe and tried to flip it, but she was not strong enough to pull it up. Te Kā raised a fist to deliver a hefty blow, but a moment before it hit, there was a loud screeching noise and a flash of white light. A giant hawk knocked Te Kā's hand away just in time. Maui had returned! He resumed his demigod form and smiled at Moana. "Maui?" She couldn't believe he had come to help her. "But your hook ... ?" Maui lifted his magical hook and used it to flip her boat back over. Then he looked at Mini Maui. "Yeah, well, we were talking about what you said ... well, it's funny, I realized I am the only one who can make me, me." Behind him, Te Kā rose up again. "Mm-hm, mm-hm, mm-hm," said Moana, trying to wrap it up. "Maui, there's ... uh, Maui ..." Maui continued to ramble on about his feelings. "Do I have abandonment and self-worth issues? Yes, I do. Also some latent narcissism and—" "Maui!" Moana screamed as a fireball flew right by them. Te Kā loomed above. "Right. Another time— I got your back, Chosen One. Go save the world," said Maui as he turned toward Te Kā. "Maui!" Moana shouted again. "Thank you." Maui glanced at Moana with a sincere smile and said, "You're welcome." Taking a deep breath, Maui channeled his energy, transformed into a hawk, and flew toward Te Kā. Once he was over the lava monster, he transformed into a lizard. "Hot-hot-hot-hot-hot!" he said, scurrying over the monster's fiery arm. Standing strong at the helm of her boat, Moana unfurled the sail and dodged lava, handling the boat like she never had before. As Moana headed closer to Te Fiti, Maui cheered her on as he slipped between Te Kā's fingers and then turned into a hawk ... until Te Kā knocked him out of the sky! When Maui hit the ground of the barrier islands, he transformed back into a demigod as the crack in his hook grew. But that no longer mattered. Maui saw Te Kā holding up a lava ball, aiming for Moana, and knew what he had to do. He wielded his hook and, with all his might, smashed it into Te Kā, distracting it from Moana. Moana docked her boat and raced up the shore of Te Fiti to put the heart back. A blinding explosion lit up the sky behind her as Maui slammed down to the ground with a thunderous boom. His hook smashed into the rocky surface beside him and shattered into pieces. As Moana scrambled to reach the top of the hill, she suddenly stopped, confused. She frowned as she lifted her head and looked around desperately. Something was very wrong. "No ... ," she said, feeling a tightening in her chest. She couldn't believe her eyes. Of all the things Moana had been expecting, she had never imagined this. There was supposed to be an island beyond the hill, but instead, there was a hollow shell with ... nothing in the center. Te Fiti wasn't there. Only an empty crater stretched before her. There was nowhere to put the heart. "Te Fiti ... she's gone... ." 莫阿娜运用寻路术一直驾船到第二天清晨。小船越过翻滚的巨浪时,她看见了远处被环形障壁岛环绕的特菲提。当她靠近障壁岛,她发现了一个刚好能使小船通过的峡谷。 “恶卡不能到水中来追杀我们……我们一定可以穿过障壁岛……成功抵达特菲提岛的。”莫阿娜把憨憨放进一个篮筐里,继续道:“说了你也不懂,毕竟你只是一只鸡。” 莫阿娜握紧特菲提之心,调整好心态,驾船朝小峡谷的入口驶去。透过厚厚的火山灰云,她可以看到恶卡身上的亮光。 莫阿娜减速前行。这时,恶卡现身了,发出震耳欲聋的咆哮声,它缓缓升起,遮住了半边天。它喷出一股滚烫的岩浆,举起巨大的拳头准备摧毁莫阿娜的小船,但莫阿娜已准备好迎战。她用了毛伊的一个妙招,迅速跳上船,侧翻船身,朝第二个峡谷驶去,想方设法逃脱恶卡的猛攻。 恶卡怒火冲天,嘶吼着全力穿过障壁岛,试图拦截莫阿娜。这头凶猛的熔岩巨兽用力掷下一股股熔浆,它们掉入水中时发出猛烈的嘶嘶声,接着喷出滚滚的烟灰和蒸气。莫阿娜驾船避开岩浆,慢慢朝峡谷驶去。 但是,恶卡的速度实在太快,莫阿娜还没赶到,入口就被恶卡用岩浆堵住了。蒸气渐渐散开后,莫阿娜已不见踪影。恶卡愤怒地转动脑袋,四处搜寻她。令恶卡万万没想到的是,莫阿娜竟跑到了他够不着的地方,正扬帆驾船原路返回,快速驶向第一个峡谷! 恶卡愤怒地嘶吼着,抛出一个巨大的岩浆球,击中了莫阿娜上方的山脉。她铆足力气拉紧缆绳,想冲过峡谷,可是巨石崩塌,纷纷滚落在她周围。莫阿娜不小心松开了手中的绳子,幸好憨憨在绳子滑走前抓住了它。莫阿娜赶紧抓起绳子,重新驾船,驶过障壁岛! “我们成功啦!”莫阿娜大叫着,“我们——”她笑着转向憨憨,却发现他没在船上,而是在自己身后的海水里胡乱扑腾着。“憨憨?” 她不能扔下憨憨不管,于是把桨猛插入水中,停止前进,并调头朝憨憨驶去,把它从海里救了起来。就在她准备继续驶向特菲提岛时,一阵震耳欲聋的咆哮声传来,这头凶猛的熔岩巨兽又出现了。恶卡冲向莫阿娜时,朝她卷起一股滔天巨浪,她的小船被打翻了,她自己也被抛进了水里。 巨石簌簌地落下,莫阿娜赶紧游向小船,努力将它翻正,可力气不够,怎么也翻不动。恶卡又举起拳头重重出击,快击中她时,空中传来了尖锐的巨响,一道白光闪现。一只巨鹰及时挡住了恶卡的进攻。毛伊回来了! 毛伊变回了半神,朝莫阿娜微微一笑。 “毛伊?”她简直不敢相信他会回来帮自己,问道:“可是,你的鱼钩……?” 毛伊举起魔法鱼钩,将小船翻了过来。然后看了一眼小毛伊,对莫阿娜说:“好吧,是这样的,我们俩一直在谈论你之前说的那番话……是的,说来也怪好笑的,我也意识到了,唯一能成就我的人,是我自己。” 恶卡在毛伊身后又站起来了。 “嗯,嗯,嗯,”莫阿娜想赶紧提醒他,“毛伊,有……呃,毛伊……” 毛伊仍在大谈他的感受:“我自弃又自负?好吧,我确实是。而且还有点自恋,甚至还——” “毛伊,小心!”莫阿娜看到一个火球正朝他们飞来,吓得大叫起来。此时恶卡出现在了他们头顶上方。 “好啦,从头再来——我跟定你了,被大海选中的人。我们去拯救世界。”说完,毛伊转向恶卡。 “毛伊!”莫阿娜又大喊道,“谢谢你。” 毛伊瞥了一眼莫阿娜,真诚地笑着说:“不必客气。” 毛伊深吸一口气,施展魔法变成了一只巨鹰,朝恶卡飞去。他一飞到这头熔岩巨兽的上方就变成了一只蜥蜴,然后飞速爬到巨兽燃烧着的胳膊上,还不停地叫道:“烫——烫——烫——!” 莫阿娜稳稳地站在船舵上,扬帆前行,一路躲开岩浆,这种驾船的感觉她以前好像从来没有过。看到莫阿娜离特菲提岛越来越近,毛伊给她欢呼打气,一不留神却从恶卡的指间掉落,然后又变回巨鹰……直到恶卡把他从空中击落!毛伊跌落到障壁岛上,变回了半神,此时鱼钩的裂痕更大了。不过这已经不重要了。毛伊看见恶卡举着一个岩浆球瞄准莫阿娜时,知道自己该怎么做了。他全力挥动鱼钩击向恶卡,试图将它的注意力从莫阿娜那里转移过来。 莫阿娜迅速停船,冲上特菲提岛,想要将特菲提之心归位。她身后突然传来一阵巨响,天空一时亮了起来,毛伊砰的一声摔倒在地。他的鱼钩也落在了他旁边的岩石上,被摔得粉碎。 莫阿娜登上山顶时,突然停住了脚,心生困惑。她抬起头,绝望地环顾四周,眉头紧锁着,总觉得事情有些不对劲。 “不……。”她叫道,胸口猛然一紧。莫阿娜不敢相信眼前的一切。 她曾设想过各种情况,却从未料到这样的结果。山外应该还有个岛才对,可是恰恰相反,这儿只有个空壳……里面什么都没有。 特菲提女神根本不在这儿。她面前只有一个大大的火山口。根本没有地方可以放特菲提之心。“特菲提女神……不见了……” |