Mike desperately chased the pig as it bolted through campus. When he finally got close enough, he made a flying leap onto Archie's back and grabbed the Fear Tech blanket that was strapped around the critter's body. "Yeah!" Sulley cheered, watching Mike bounce up and down on Archie's back. "Ride it to Frat Row!" Mike winced as Archie barely missed a guitar-playing student, who was crooning a ballad to several girls. Then Sulley crashed through the little group and sent them all sprawling. Laughing, he raced after Archie and Mike, who were heading toward the party lights of Frat Row. Still at top speed, Mike rode Archie through several fraternity parties of dancing monsters. Sulley grabbed a piece of pizza off a Ping-Pong table in one house as he passed by. "Yeah!" he cheered again as they all raced out the back door. Mike suddenly saw his roommate, Randy. "Cupcake?" Randy asked. Mike couldn't stop Archie from smashing into Randy. His cupcakes sailed into the air and splatted down on his head, one by one, spelling out LAME. Mike and Archie veered around a corner and made a direct hit into a husky monster playing football outside. The impact left Mike gasping on the ground while Archie continued running. Sulley leaped over Mike, chasing the scare pig. But Archie still had Mike's hat. Desperate, Mike looked around and noticed a trash can at the end of a row of bikes. Archie was running right by them. Mike stood up, grabbed the husky monster's football, and timed his throw perfectly. It hit the first bike and the rest fell like dominoes, knocking the trash can right into Archie's path. Unable to stop himself, Archie ran into the can. Mike dashed over, picked up the squealing creature, and grabbed his MU hat. "Ha-ha!" he yelled triumphantly. Just then, Sulley grabbed them both and hoisted them into the air like a trophy. "Fear Tech's mascot! MU rules!" he shouted to the partying students. As the crowd cheered, someone slapped an MU sticker over Archie's Fear Tech blanket. Mike was beginning to feel like a hero as the crowd chanted, "MU! MU! MU!" Several fraternity brothers headed toward him. "Did you see him catch that pig? You are Jaws Theta Chi material, freshman!" Mike was so f lattered. "Well, thanks, I didn't know the —" he started to say, but the fraternity boys walked right past him and over to Sulley. "No, no," another fraternity boy said, patting Sulley on the back. "He's an Omega Howl guy." Mike was feeling pretty annoyed, when a voice suddenly called out, "I'll take it from here, gentlemen!" Everyone turned to see a huge monster with large horns and terrifying fangs step forward from the crowd. He wore a jacket with the letters "ROR" on it. The horned monster lumbered up to Sulley. "Johnny Worthington," he said, introducing himself, "president of Roar Omega Roar. What's your name, Big Blue?" "Jimmy Sullivan. Friends call me Sulley." "Whoa! This guy's a Sullivan!" exclaimed Chet, another ROR member. "Chet, calm down," Johnny said. Then he turned to Sulley. "Any freshman with the guts to pull off a stunt like that has got ‘Future Scarer' written all over him." Sulley nodded smugly. Johnny and the RORs quickly swept Sulley into their fraternity house while Mike trailed along behind. "Did you see me ride the pig? That took guts!" he called after them. Chet turned and stopped Mike at the door. "Slow down, squirt. This party's for scare students only." Johnny leaned down to Mike's level. "Sorry, killer, but you might want to hang out with someone a little more your speed. You know, like those guys." Johnny pointed to a presentation that another fraternity had set up nearby. A group of awkward-looking monsters surrounded a table, which was decorated with kiddie balloons and cake. The sign said OOZMA KAPPA. Mike looked at them, horrified. One of them yelled, "Oh, hey dere! Wanna join Oozma Kappa? We have cake!" Mike stared at Johnny in disbelief. "Is that a joke?" he asked. Johnny sighed with annoyance. "Sulley, talk to your friend," he said. "Well," Sulley replied, "he's not really my friend, but sure." He turned to Mike. "You heard him; this is a party for scare students." Mike was exasperated. "I am a scare student!" Sulley shrugged. "I mean, for scare students who actually, you know, have a chance." The remark cut Mike to the core. His eye narrowed angrily as the RORs laughed. "My chances are as good as yours!" Mike f ired back. "You just wait, hotshot! I'm gonna scare circles around you this year." "Okay," Sulley said, laughing as he headed into the ROR house with his new friends. "I'd like to see that." "Oh, don't worry," Mike said as he put on his MU hat and walked away. "You will." 阿奇在校园里一路狂奔,麦克跟在后面拼了命地追。眼看就要追上了,麦克腾空一跃,一下子骑到阿奇身上,用手死死揪住绑在它身上的那张恐理的毯子。 “耶!”毛怪欢呼道,看着麦克在阿奇的背上弹上跳下,“骑着它去‘兄弟会街’!” 阿奇一路飞跑,差点撞上一个弹着吉他、给姑娘们哼唱民谣的怪兽,而麦克骑在阿奇身上,被吓得龇牙咧嘴。紧接着毛怪也从那一小群怪兽中间冲了过去,把他们撞得人仰马翻。毛怪一边大笑,一边紧紧追赶着阿奇和麦克,他们正朝着“兄弟会街”上派对的灯光冲过去。 阿奇驮着麦克继续全力飞奔,从几群正在跳舞的兄弟会成员之间穿过。毛怪经过一幢房子时,还顺手从一张乒乓桌上抓了块比萨吃。他们冲出后门时,毛怪又欢呼了一声:“耶!” 突然间,麦克看到了他的室友蓝道,他正在分发蛋糕。“来一个吗?”蓝道问着。谁料阿奇朝着蓝道冲去,麦克根本控制不住。结果,蛋糕被撞得四散着飞向空中,又一个接一个地掉在蓝道头上,拼出了“跛子”的字样。 阿奇驮着麦克来了个急转弯,迎头撞上了一个正在打橄榄球的强壮怪兽。麦克被撞得趴在地上喘粗气,而阿奇还在往前冲。毛怪直接跃过麦克,继续追赶惊吓猪。 而阿奇依旧叼着麦克的帽子。绝望之中,麦克四下张望,发现前方一排自行车的末尾有个垃圾桶,阿奇正顺着那排车跑呢。 麦克站起身来,抄起强壮怪兽的那只橄榄球,精确地计算了一下时间,把球掷了出去。橄榄球砸倒了第一辆自行车,其余的自行车就像多米诺骨牌一样接连倒下,最后撞倒了垃圾桶,正倒在阿奇前面。阿奇速度太快,根本停不下来,一下子就冲到了垃圾桶里。麦克飞奔过去,拎起那头正在号叫的猪,一把夺回了他的“怪大”帽子,胜利地喊道:“哈哈!” 就在那时,毛怪突然像举战利品似的把他俩高高举到空中。“恐理的吉祥物!怪大的老规矩!”毛怪朝正在参加派对的学生们喊道。 大家都欢呼起来,有个学生在阿奇那张恐理的毯子上用力一拍,贴上了怪大的标签。大家都在高喊着“怪大!怪大!怪大!”,此时的麦克开始感到,自己就像个英雄。 几个兄弟会成员朝他走过来,边走边说:“你看到他抓住那只猪了吗?你应该加入我们健将兄弟会,新来的!” 麦克高兴极了,说道:“这个,谢谢,我还不知道……”话还没说完,这几个兄弟会成员便直接走过他身边,朝毛怪走去。 “那可不行,”另一个兄弟会的一名成员拍了拍毛怪说,“他一定得加入欧米茄怒吼社。” 麦克非常生气。这时一个声音传来:“先生们,这位兄弟归我们了!”大家都转过身,只见一只巨大的怪兽从人群中走上前来,他长着巨大的犄角和恐怖的尖牙,穿着一件印有“精吓会”字样的夹克衫。 这只长着角的怪兽朝毛怪缓缓走过来。“我是强尼·沃新顿,大家都叫我强哥。”他自我介绍道,“我是精吓兄弟会的会长。你叫什么,蓝色大个子?” “詹姆士·苏利文。朋友们都叫我毛怪。” “哇!他是苏利文家的!”精吓会的另一名成员喳喳惊叹道。 “喳喳,冷静点儿,”强哥说。紧接着他又转向毛怪说道,“敢这样恶整恐理的新生,将来绝对是‘惊吓专员’的料。” 毛怪沾沾自喜地点点头。很快,强哥和其他精吓会的成员就把毛怪拉进了兄弟会的会所里,而麦克则跟在他们后面。“嘿!看见我骑那头猪了吗?我也很猛的!”他朝前面喊道。 喳喳转过身,将麦克堵在门口说道:“站住,小矮子。这个派对只有惊吓专业的学生才能参加。” 强哥弯下腰凑到麦克跟前说:“抱歉了同学,你应该和与你差不多的小伙伴一起玩儿,比如……那几个。”说着强哥指了指旁边另一个兄弟会的展板。一群看起来傻乎乎的怪兽围在一个桌子旁,上面装饰着小孩子玩的气球,还有蛋糕。他们的标语上写着“OK会”。 麦克震惊地看着他们,其中一个怪兽大声喊着:“噢,嘿,你好!想加入OK会吗?我们有蛋糕哦!” 麦克疑惑地看着强哥问道:“你在开玩笑吗?” 强哥不耐烦地叹了口气说:“毛怪,劝劝你朋友吧。” 毛怪回应道:“好吧,其实我跟他算不上朋友,不过,也行。”他转向麦克:“你听见啦,只有惊吓专业的学生才能参加这个派对。” 麦克被激怒了,喊道:“我就是惊吓专业的学生!” 毛怪耸了耸肩说:“我是说,那些……真正有希望成为惊吓专员的学生。”这话戳到了麦克的痛处,他愤怒地眯起了眼,而精吓会的成员们却哈哈大笑。 “我和你们一样有机会当上惊吓专员!”麦克还击道,“不信走着瞧!今年我一定把你们吓得团团转!” “好啊,”毛怪边说边大笑着和他的新朋友们走进了精吓会的会所,“我拭目以待。” “哼,别担心,”麦克说着,戴上他“怪大”的帽子走开了,“你会看到那一刻的。” |