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Fairy tale 童话故事

After watching the movie Cinderella, my five-year-old daughter started using her pinwheel as a magic wand, pretending she was fairy godmother. "Make three wishes." She told me, "and I'll grant them." I first asked world peace. She swung her wand and proclaimed my request fulfilled. My next wish was to cure all the sick children. Again, with a sweep of the pinwheel, she obliged. Since I am a somewhat large woman, my third wish was not a surprise. "I wish to have a trim figure again," I announced. My 'fairy godmother' started waving her wand madly. "I'll need more power for this!" she exclaimed. 看了《灰姑娘》的电影后,我那5岁的女儿开始用玩具风车当墨棍,扮演起童话中的教母来。“许下三个愿望吧,”她对我说:“我会让你如愿以偿的。” 我先是许下了世界和平的愿望,她摇晃这魔术棍,然后对我说祈求如愿了。 我的下一个愿望是让所有生病的儿童都康复,她像上次那样摇晃着魔术棍,然后让我说出最后一个愿望。因为我现在发了福,所以我的第三个愿望也是不足为奇的。“我希望我能重新有个苗条的身材。” 我那童话教母开始用力的摇晃着她的魔术棍,嘴上还振振有词的说:“要想实现这个愿望我的需要更大的魔力。”
