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I am the baby's aunt! 我是孩子的小姨!

Holding a baby in her arms, a woman visited a gynecologist.  "Is the baby breast fed or is he on bottle?" asked the doctor.  "Breast fed, of course!" replied the woman. "Take off your clothes, please." the doctor ordered.  "What? ...But why?" "Don't worry. you're in a gynecology clinic and I'll just do a routine medical check for you."  The woman reluctantly took off her clothes. The doctor carefully examined the woman's breasts, groping his fingers around and pressing repeatedly. When finished, the doctor said to the woman:"No wonder the baby is malnourished. You have no milk at all!" The woman replied angrily:"Nonsense! Of course not. I am the baby's aunt!" 一位妇人抱着BABY到一间妇产科。医生问妇人说:BABY是吃母乳还是牛奶啊? 妇人:吃母乳! 医生:那请你把衣服脱下来。  妇人:啊?为什么? 医生:请你不用紧张,这里是妇产科,绝不会对你有任何侵犯的。  妇人半信半疑的脱去了上衣。 医生用他的手在妇人的胸部上摸摸,下摸摸,左搓搓,右揉揉。对这妇人说:难怪BABY会营养不良,你根本就没有母乳嘛! 妇人:废话!我当然没有母乳,我是BABY的小姨!
