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The Reasons I Won't Be Coming

The Reasons I Won't Be Coming  

Author: Elliot Perlman

List Price:$24.95

Pages: 288

Publisher: Riverhead Hardcover  

ISBN: 1573223212 


  |Book description|


The nine smart, thoughtful stories in this collection explore the complex worlds of lovers, poets, lawyers, immigrants, students, and murderers. They tell of corporate betrayals and lost opportunities, and the hopes, fears, and vagaries of desire.

同样的短篇小说集,同样的世界,不同人物的角色刻画互动,深刻的描写出现代人关系的背叛、希望、恐惧与欲望。其中包括了无法适应新环境的犹太移民;被同事的阴郁气氛搞得同样惨烈的上班族;因父母的离婚转而对爬虫类有兴趣的高中小男生;住在市郊的中产阶级家庭的谋杀密谋。不管是政府迫害、文化冲击或是毒品泛滥,九个短篇故事却能在人类生活的冲击下,试着去找出人们面对的态度与想法,戏剧化且具张力的故事建构出Elliot Perlman的文学态度。


About Author

Elliot Perlman was born in Melbourne in 1964. His first novel, Three Dollars (published by Faber in the UK), won the 1998 Melbourne Age Book of the Year Award and the Betty Trask Prize. The Reasons I Won't Be Coming (published by Faber), which has won Australia's Steele Rudd Award. He's been described as "the foremost voice of the new generation of Australian writers". Elliot currently lives in Melbourne and works as a barrister.

Elliot Perlman,1964年生于墨尔本,职业是律师。他的第一部长篇小说《Three Dollars》一出版便获得奖项肯定,短篇小说集《The Reasons I Won't Be Coming》也荣获了澳洲“Steele Rudd”奖,被誉为“澳洲新生代作家最重要的声音”。目前Elliot Perlman定居在墨尔本。
