Sichuan-Tibet Railway 川藏铁路
中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日对川藏铁路(雅安至林芝段)开工建设作出重要指示指出,要高质量推进川藏铁路工程建设。 President Xi Jinping has called for efforts to advance the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway project with high quality. Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remark in an instruction on the construction of the railway's Ya'an-Nyingchi section. 建设川藏铁路是贯彻落实新时代党的治藏方略的一项重大举措,对维护国家统一、促进民族团结、巩固边疆稳定,对推动西部地区特别是川藏两省区经济社会发展,具有十分重要的意义。 The project is a major measure in facilitating the Party's general plan for governing Tibet in the new era, and plays an important role in safeguarding national unity, promoting ethnic solidarity and consolidating stability in border areas. The project will significantly contribute to the economic and social development of the western region, especially in Sichuan Province and Tibet Autonomous Region. ——2020年11月8日,习近平对川藏铁路开工建设作出重要指示 川藏铁路沿线地形地质和气候条件复杂、生态环境脆弱,修建难度之大世所罕见,要充分发挥我国社会主义制度能够集中力量办大事的优势,把这一光荣而艰巨的历史任务完成好。 The geological conditions and the climate along the railway are complex and the environment is fragile, construction of the project will face rarely seen difficulties. We should leverage the advantage of Chinese socialist system in terms of mobilizing all available resources to fulfill major tasks to accomplish this historic task, which is arduous but glorious. ——2020年11月8日,习近平对川藏铁路开工建设作出重要指示 |