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a community with a shared future for mankind 人类命运共同体



On Jan 18, 2017, President Xi Jinping explained his vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind in a speech at the Palace of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, as China's answer to the challenges and problems facing the world.


Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, Xi's vision has become increasingly significant and has been widely accepted worldwide as the international community responded to the unprecedented public health crisis while striving to promote socioeconomic development.


We remain convinced that the theme of our times, peace and development, has not changed, and that the trend toward multipolarity and economic globalization cannot be turned around. We must keep people’s welfare close to heart and pursue the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind. Through concrete actions, we will contribute our share to making the world a better place for everyone.



Pass on the torch of peace from generation to generation, sustain development and make civilization flourish: this is what people of all countries long for; it is also the responsibility statesmen of our generation ought to shoulder. And China’s proposition is: build a community of shared future for mankind and achieve shared and win-win development.

