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Seal off: 封锁,阻隔


7月18日,部署在以色列北部的大约2万名以色列军警如临大敌,这次他们要对付的不是巴激进武装人员,而是以国内大批反对沙龙单边撤离计划的犹太抗议者——他们正组织“向加沙进军”大行动,希望通过“和平进军”的方式反对政府的加沙撤出计划。外电报道如下:Israeli police backed by officers on horseback sealed off an encampment filled with thousands of Jewish settlers and their supporters Tuesday, trading punches and dragging off protesters in the biggest confrontation yet over Israel's withdrawal from Gaza.

The government has vowed to stop protesters from marching to Gaza Strip settlements marked for evacuation in August, fearing that more Israeli hard-liners at the sites would further complicate the contentious pullout.

Demonstrators said they would stay in their makeshift protest camp in the farming community of Kfar Maimon and try to march again Wednesday - and the next day and the next - setting the stage for more confrontations.

Seal off表示“把……封锁起来”,例如:Police sealed off all the exits from the building.(警方把建筑物的所有出口都封锁住了。)

