鸡仔文学 chick lit
自《BJ单身日记》与《欲望城市》掀起全球风暴以来,英美畅销书市为前所未有的粉红潮流所席卷。“鸡仔文学”似乎在一夜之间成为了很时尚的一个名词,如果你还不知道这个词是什么意思,那你可能就有点落伍了。 Chick lit is a literary genre that features books written by women and marketed to young women, especially single, working women in their twenties and thirties. It generally deals with the issues of modern women humorously and lightheartedly. The women featured in these novels may be obsessed with appearance or have a passion for shopping. “鸡仔文学”指由女性撰写并且主要面向二、三十岁的单身职场女性的文学作品。主要通过轻松幽默的方式讨论现代女性关注的话题。这一类小说中描绘的女性要么过分注重外表,要么是购物狂。 "Chick" is an American slang term for young woman and "Lit" is short for "literature". The phrase "chick lit" appeared in print as early as 1988 as college slang for a course titled "female literary tradition." Chick这个词在美国俚语中用来指代年轻女性,而lit则是literature(文学)一词的缩写形式。Chick lit这个表达在书面中的使用最初见于1988年,当时是大学里对《女性文学传统》这一课程的俚语表达。 |