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外挂 cheating program

经常会听到有人说“外挂”如何如何,感觉像是个常见的电脑术语,似乎很多人在用,但是从来都不是清楚地知道这两个字真正代表的是什么。今天,咱们就用双语把这俩字好好研究研究。Cheating programs are designed to help players skip some tough or tedious steps in an online game to accumulate more experience points. Such programs make the games easier to play, though they may deprive players of the excitement in online games.Cheating programs(外挂,游戏作弊程序)是可以帮助玩家跳过游戏中一些复杂冗长的步骤并且获得更多经验值的一种程序。网络游戏因此类程序的出现而变得更容易上手,这也可能让玩家丧失了玩游戏的部分乐趣。There are hundreds of cheating tools used in online gaming and dozens of cheating programs tailored for popular games. Some of them are free to obtain on the Internet, while some delicate devices are expensive from online sellers.现在用于网络游戏的作弊工具就有几百个,特为时下流行的游戏而设计的外挂程序也有很多。这其中有些是可以直接免费从网上获得的,而有些上乘的外挂设备是需要从在线卖家那里高价购买的。
