book hangover 醉书
Book hangover refers to the moment when you've finished a book and you suddenly return to the real world, but the real world feels incomplete or surreal because you're still living in the world of the book. “醉书”指的是当你读完一本书突然回到现实中,却发觉现实世界是如此残缺不全或不真实,因为你还活在书里的那个世界。 The book that enables you to have a book hangover is likely to be a book that you could not bear to finish it or let it go. Only when a book that is well-written, thought-provoking and readable or fits your style can it causes the book hangover. Enchanted by the book, we prefer to slow down our tempo to read, think and hang around it even after the ending. 让你醉的书一定是你舍不得读完和舍不得放下的书。只有当我们感觉到一本书很好、很厚重、很优美、很丰富、很耐读,或者说很合自己口味,很有“众里寻他千百度”的感觉,才会发生这样的阅读感觉,才会放慢速度来阅读、体会、咀嚼、思索、把玩以至于一咏三叹、流连忘返。 |