Walden Zone 瓦尔登区
We spend all day surrounded by beeping, blinking gizmos. Wouldn't it be nice to have a room in your home designated as a place with no communications devices? One writer has coined a new phrase for this idea: a Walden Zone. 我们每天被各种设备的提示音和闪烁的提示灯包围。如果在家里指定一个区域不让任何电子通讯设备出现,会不会是个不错的主意?一位作家已经为这个想法新创了个名字:瓦尔登区。 In the book Hamlet's BlackBerry, writer William Powers defines "Walden Zone" as "a room where no screens of any kind are allowed." It's a place of tranquility where you can escape from crowds, like Henry David Thoreau retreating to Walden Pond. 作家威廉·鲍尔斯在名为《哈姆雷特的黑莓》一书中对“瓦尔登区”给出的定义是“不允许有任何屏幕设备出现的区域”。那是一个可以让你逃离人群享受宁静的地方,就像亨利·戴维·梭罗在瓦尔登湖边度过的时光一样。 Shutting off extraneous input -- no TV, no phone, no Internet -- frees up mental space to concentrate on all kinds of discovery and imagination. 与所有的外界信息隔绝,没有电视,没有电话,没有网络,让你的头脑有更多空间去想象,去发现。 |