lumbersexual 木匠美男
The days of the well-groomed metrosexual man might soon be over as the "lumbersexual" trend takes precedence. 衣着整洁的都市美男时代可能不久就要结束了,因为“木匠美男”们正在成为新宠。 The lumbersexual man is essentially an urban woodsman. “木匠美男”其实就是一个住在城里的木匠男。 He is brawny, wears expensive flannel, has an impressive beard that is painstakingly unkempt and represents the ultimate sense of manliness. 他们身形健壮,身穿价格不菲的法兰绒衬衫,留着杂乱无章的胡子,浑身透着一股男人味儿。 The look of the lumbersexual man can be described as something similar to a hipster-outdoorsman hybrid. “木匠美男”可以算是时尚潮人和户外爱好者的一个结合体。 However, you won't find him in the forest chopping down trees. 不过,你可不会看到他们在森林里砍树。 The lumbersexual man traded in his days of tree felling for hitting up hipster bars, and instead of wielding an axe, he now carries around a MacBook Pro. 相反,他们混迹潮人酒吧,手里把玩的当然也不是斧子,而是苹果电脑。 |