Starting Tuesday night on PBS and ending Thursday (check local listings), Pitt will narrate six hour-long episodes of "RX for Survival: A Global Health Challenge," which follows health care workers and researchers struggling to contain disease among the world's poor.
"I don't know," he said. "To me personally, it goes back to the will to understand and that's what we're lacking most. So I want to educate myself as much as I can to understand the situation, to understand the solutions." "I've had the luxury of travel and in the luxury of travel, I've seen the detriments of poverty and I've gone on to see how easy the cures can be — cures that cost cents to the richest nation in the world." 参考译文 作为该片的解说人,皮特表示:“我关注世界贫困问题已有一年半了。我认为,导致贫困的关键就是健康问题,甚至是全世界的健康问题。”在过去2年内,皮特已经数次前往非洲国家,其中包括今年7月陪同绯闻女友安吉丽娜-朱莉前往埃塞俄比亚领养了一名女婴。 当有媒体记者问他为什么对世界贫困问题如此关注时,皮特指出:“我曾经有过十分奢华的旅行,但当我目睹了挣扎在贫困和疾病中的人们后,我深深体会到,生活在富裕国家的人应该节减旅行花费,应该关注并帮助贫困国家的人。” |