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本文是经典爱情电影听力系列The Lake House(湖边小屋,又叫“触不到的恋人”)的第十八段对白听力。


Kate:lt was you. Why didn't you say anything? 湖边小屋:Kate和Alex第一次争吵

Alex:You would've thought l was crazy or drunk. Or both.

Kate:Yeah, but...l liked you. You should have said something.

Alex:How? You were with your boyfriend.

Kate:You know what? Excuses, excuses. You are a coward.

Alex:l'm not a coward.

Kate:Oh, really? Well, what about your girlfriend?

Alex:What? l told you already...she's not my girlfriend.

Kate:He's not my boyfriend either.

Alex:Oh, really? Well, what is he, then? Your brother?

Kate:We have a comedian. What'd you have, a clown for breakfast this morning?

Alex:Wonderful. Our first fight. You could write a song about it and go sing it in San Francisco.


1. would have / should have:虚拟语气。本来应该……,实际上没有。

2. coward:n. 胆小鬼,懦夫

3. clown:n. 小丑,粗鲁愚蠢的人
