451 The Oompa-Loompas looked for other things... 452 ...to mash up with the caterpillars to make them taste better: 453 Red beetles, the bark of the bong-bong tree. 454 All of them beastly... 455 ...but not quite so beastly as the caterpillars. 456 But the food they longed for the most was the cocoa bean. 457 An Oompa-Loompa was lucky if he found three or four cocoa beans a year. 458 But, oh, how they craved them. 459 All they'd ever think about was cocoa beans. 460 The cocoa bean is the thing from which chocolate is made, so l told the chief: 461 They are such wonderful workers. 462 l feel l must warn you, though, they are rather mischievous. 463 Always making jokes. 464 Augustus, my child, that is not a good thing you do! 465 Hey, little boy. 466 My chocolate must be untouched by human hands. 467 He'll drown. 468 He can't swim. 469 Save him! 470 Augustus! No! 471 Augustus! 472 Augustus, watch out! 473 There he goes. 474 Call the fire brigade! 475 lt's a wonder how that pipe is big enough. 476 lt isn't big enough. He's slowing down. 477 He's gonna stick. 478 l think he has. 479 He's blocked the whole pipe. 480 Look. The Oompa-Loompas. 481 What are they doing? 482 They're going to treat us to a little song. lt is quite a special occasion. 483 They haven't had a fresh audience in many a moon. 484 Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop 485 The great big, greedy nincompoop 486 Augustus Gloop, so big and vile So greedy, foul and infantile 487 ''Come on!'' we cried ''The time is ripe 488 To send him shooting up the pipe!'' 489 But don't, dear children, be alarmed 490 Augustus Gloop will not be harmed 491 Augustus Gloop will not be harmed 492 Although, of course, we must admit 493 He will be altered quite a bit 494 Slowly, wheels go round and round 495 And cogs begin to grind and pound 496 This greedy brute, this louse's ear 497 Is loved by people everywhere 498 For who could hate or bear a grudge 499 Against a luscious bit of fudge? 500 Bravo! Well done! |