501 Ohh. 502 Hello. Hello, honey. Fluffy! 503 Hello, Fluffy. 504 You must be so hungry. 505 Mm. 506 Are you gonna get that? 507 Uh, no, l'm, l'm gonna let the machine get it. 508 Hello? 509 lt's for you. 510 Hello. 511 Okay. Bye-bye. 512 Um, that was the hospital. They say it's customary... 513 for friends and family to come down and give blood. 514 Let's go together. 515 You know what? l think maybe we should take your truck. 516 Oh, no. We oughta take Peter's car. 517 - Okay. - You know where it's parked, don't you? 518 Oh, yeah, l, uh-- Yeah. 519 - Hmm. - Hmm. 520 Hey, we'll have to get your picture for the mantle. 521 - Of, of me? - No, of you and Peter. 522 - l'm, l'm not that photogenic. - l doubt that. 523 All right. Now, l want you to sit here and sip this, or you'll get woozy. 524 - When did you start seeing Peter? - September 17th. 525 - Three months. That's quick. - You have no idea. 526 - That's fast. That's a fast engagement. - Miss! - l'm fine. 527 - Wait, l'm not finished with you! - Oh, l got it. l got it. l got it. 528 Ooh. 529 What the hell he's got a TV for? He's in a coma, for Christ's sake! 530 Ox, shh. He might hear you, you know. 531 Then get him a radio. 532 - Maybe he'd like us to sing to him. - Maybe Lucy knows his favorite song. 533 - Puff, the Magic Dragon. - Dragon. 534 - Oh. - Dragon. - Huh? 535 - Which one of the Three Stooges was Peter's favorite? - Curley. 536 Curley! Hah! 537 - He's everybody's favorite. - No, l like Shemp. 538 - Favorite ice cream. - Baskin-Robbins. 539 - Favorite baseball team. - Chicago. 540 - Cubs or White Sox? - What the heck is going on? 541 Why are you asking her all these questions? 542 Don't ask me, ask her boyfriend. 543 That isn't very funny, you know. 544 - No, no, not this boyfriend. - He's-- 545 Joe Fusco. 546 Joe-- Joe Jr. 547 Mm-hmm, that's right. Mr. Joe Fusco, Jr. 548 He said that you were intimate. 549 Yeah, well, he also said he invented aluminum foil. He's delusional. 550 He was very lucid when l talked to him. |