601 She's my sister's best friend! 602 Yeah, that's the hardest pIace to be. 603 Between friend and friendIier, huh? 604 [Laughs] 605 I'm trying to find a way 606 I'm trying to find a ride... 607 Your Majesty, the dipIomatic pouch has arrived... 608 and she's here. 609 CLARISSE: Send her in. 610 CHARLO TTE/ Yes, ma'am. 611 CHARLO TTE/ l need more roses-- 612 red, white, mauve. Mauve! 613 -Miss AmeIia, weIcome. -Hi. 614 Straight ahead to your Ieft. 615 Her Majesty is ready for you in the Iibrary. 616 CLARlSSE/ Charlotte, take notes, will you? 617 AmeIia, circIe sIowIy... 618 so I can evaIuate the work to be done. 619 AmeIia! 620 Does your bad posture affect your hearing? 621 -Turn. -Oh, sorry. 622 No, no, no. SIowIy, turn. 623 Slowly. Thank you. 624 Well, carriage, obviously. Hairstyle. 625 CompIexion... 626 Stop! 627 Eyes...IoveIy... 628 but hidden beneath bushman eyebrows. 629 The neck is seemIy. 630 Ears... 631 Iike her father. 632 ReaIIy? They are? 633 Oh, my! Who has naiIs Iike these? 634 Everybody. 635 Tomorrow I wouId Iike to see cIean fingers. 636 And you wiII wear stockings. 637 Not tights, not socks. 638 And I never want to see those shoes again. 639 When waIking in a crowd... 640 one is under scrutiny aII the time. 641 So we don't shIump, Iike this. 642 We drop the shouIders... 643 we think taII... 644 we tuck under and transfer the weight... 645 from one foot to-- 646 No. Princesses never cross their Iegs in pubIic. 647 Why don't you just tuck one ankIe behind the other... 648 and pIace the hands gracefuIIy on the knees. 649 Aah! 650 CharIotte, I think it's time for tea. |