1051 [TeIephone rings] 1052 Gupta. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 1053 Mm-hmm. 1054 The queen is coming to Grove High SchooI. 1055 SUKl/ A limo with flags! 1056 MALE REPORTER/ A Genovian limousine has arrived. 1057 The queen is getting out. 1058 SUKI: Your Majesty, why aII the secrets? 1059 AII we keep hearing is ''No comment.'' 1060 Do you have a comment? 1061 Your Majesty-- 1062 WiII you be visiting the White House? 1063 Are you taking the princess home? 1064 MlA/ Mom, l don't know who told on me. 1065 HELEN/ We'll get to the bottom of this. 1066 Here's your tea, Your Majesty. 1067 I'm sorry we don't have finer china. 1068 That's perfectIy aII right. 1069 Here. 1070 Joseph? 1071 -Speak. -Paolo? 1072 Majesty, it was I who toId the press about you. 1073 I outed you. So to speak. I don't mean to impIy-- 1074 -Grazie. -Prego. 1075 But not for money, Principessa. 1076 Paolo hates money. He spits on money. 1077 There was no money. Well, some money. 1078 After aII, a man Iike me, each ring is-- 1079 The point is, it was pride and ego... 1080 who drove me to know that royalty would see one day... 1081 the beauty was mine! The hair was mine! 1082 That I, PaoIo Puttanesca, was responsibIe for-- 1083 -Grazie. -Prego. 1084 [Speaking ItaIian] 1085 By the way, your hair--magnificent. 1086 The next time, we go a IittIe Iighter? 1087 MAN/ Your Highness, would you like to say anything? 1088 GUPTA/ lsn't that just awful? 1089 Doesn't anyone respect royalty anymore? 1090 What is it Iike in Genovia, Your Majesty? 1091 Do peopIe just fawn over you? 1092 I wonder, wouId you give us a moment aIone? 1093 GUPTA/ I'm the vice-principal. 1094 Joseph, wouId you take this fine educator... 1095 and show her your security pIans for AmeIia's safety? 1096 What? 1097 Ah, yes, of course. 1098 Your Majesty, thank you. 1099 Your security system is a bit Iax. 1100 Oh, is it? |