501 but you've been hurt, so you just cry. 502 [Crying] 503 It was reaIIy bad. 504 My foot didn't even pop. 505 SUKl/ lt was just last night... 506 that San Francisco's own IittIe princess... 507 partied at the beach... 508 but what started out as innocent fun... 509 soon turned into allegedly too much fun. 510 This is Suki Sanchez for KPFW. 511 PIease say something. 512 CLARlSSE/ Well, there's not much to say. 513 A picture's worth a thousand words... 514 and you have two pictures. 515 I embarrassed the famiIy, didn't I? 516 Not to put too fine a point on it, yes, you did. 517 I think you're making a wise decision... 518 to abstain from the job. 519 I suppose I won't come to the baII. 520 CLARlSSE/ Of course you should come. 521 You're stiII famiIy. 522 Just because you don't want to be our princess... 523 doesn't mean we're sending you into exile. 524 Your mother's planning to come. 525 All your guests are invited. 526 Ex cept for your beach friends. 527 Now, if you'll ex cuse me... 528 I'm meeting with the press to do some damage controI. 529 You can come in now. 530 If I may say so... 531 that did not go very weII. 532 Is this the way a princess shouId act? 533 My information teIIs me that boy was using her. 534 The kiss was mereIy a device... 535 so that he couId get his 15 minutes of fame. 536 And her friends didn't heIp, either. 537 Anna, FaIana, Banana, Bandana, Montana... 538 I have no idea what you're taIking about. 539 Why didn't she have enough common sense... 540 to deaI with this? 541 She's onIy 15... 542 but today, she acted beyond her years. 543 She showed great respect... 544 and gracefuIIy accepted your criticism. 545 You're saying that as a queen, I was too harsh on her. 546 I was criticaI of the person... 547 who couId become the next ruIer of my country. 548 No. I'm saying, as a grandmother... 549 you might have been too harsh on your granddaughter. 550 [Sighs] |